Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Sunday, March 30th 2008

Good For Me, Good For You

Posted by Boy Wonder

Johnny and I were hanging out today and he decided without prompting to check the blog to see how long it had been since an we had an update. Realize that this is normally a function that falls flatly on me because I am the one on the front lines of operations and whatnot. Well, we were both equally shocked to discover that nearly a month had transpired without a peep, which is an all-time record here at Hazzard Ahead. Even though we have numerous entries in progress I thought I would cough up something in the interim to remind our dear readers that we do indeed still exist and give a crap.

The subject of this impromptu entry is a rather stunning musical discovery I made this very afternoon. On my way home from brunch the song Love by Delerium came on my car stereo and I was reminded of what a crap copy it was. Determined to remedy that travesty I ignored other pressing engagements at home in order to procure a quality copy from iTunes. During the course of that procedure I became aware of another track featuring the unearthly vocal stylings of Zoe Johnston coupled with the ever dreamy production of Above and Beyond. So sit back, relax and brace yourself for the heavenly embrace of Good For Me. Upon this discovery I called Johnny and demanded that he download it and listen while I was on the line so I could experience his reaction first hand. To the casual eavesdropper it may have sounded like we were having phone sex. In our way, we were.

DownloadAbove & Beyond – Good For Me

6 Comments for this post

PlanetTelex1980 Says:

My first day back at work after my first Black Party here in NYC. At the risk of sounding corny, there’s something soul-replenishing about listening to that track right now (especially after all the shit I saw and did not 48 hours ago).

Glad to see a new entry – thanks Boy Wonder! Was starting to think you guys might be closing up shop.

Boy Wonder Says:

I’m glad my timing was so spot on. After party music is an essential and this track will press all the right buttons every time.

gcracker Says:

I have never heard the song… but I am SO on finding it right now.

the frog Says:

Wow. Very “Enya meets… Someone With Really Good Grass”. Perfect for relaxing after a good massage, a hot bath, or just before going to sleep. Thanks, I needed that.

Boy Wonder Says:

Yay! The Frog is back! (and with a vengeance!)

the frog Says:

Yep. Happiness is a warm modem. ;-)

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