Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, December 27th 2005

Say “Goodbye” To ‘05

Posted by Boy Wonder

I hope everyone has managed to emerge from the holidays as unscathed as possible. Since I had precious few plans for Christmas weekend I intended to catch up on the work I’ve neglected over the past few months. Instead I chose to lollygag about, watch endless hours of high-quality television and drink profusely. I would say I was to blame for the delay of the opening of Johnny’s shop, but Johnny isn’t exactly prepared either so it has to be a draw. Honestly, I think we both need the other for motivation. Unfortunately, since I’ve had so many other things to attend to I have been a bit lax in my nagging to him. I can’t very well pressure him to assemble a product line when I haven’t completed the store now can I?

Thankfully I did get around to finishing this blog you’re reading. Well, it was ready to go live ages ago as a stand-alone site, but I thought it best to re-work as an addition to hazzardxxx.com instead. In any case, the bugger is out of the bag and I think that’s just the sort of inspiration required for Mr. Hazzard to start sharing his experiences, insights and bloody ever to all of you that may be interested. Thank you all for being so patient and stand by for more to come soon.
