Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Thursday, March 25th 2010

It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This: Spring In NYC

Posted by Johnny

Thanks again Will for being so fucking rude thus enabling me to re-establish my blog. ;)

I’ve been in NYC since the 17th and in the last few days Spring has sprung and has me longing for the seasonal bliss one encounters after a long, annoying desolate Eastern winter (had I been in the desolate Eastern winter).

Last night I had the privilege to hang out with my boys from Rufskin who were throwing a party at G Lounge in NYC’s Chelsea gay-bor-hood. It’s what these guys are about that I hope myself to be someday soon: they are unaffected, creative, successful, chill, sweet and generous. Since I’ve been away I’ve stuck to my standard meals at their standard times. This is included but not limited to:

  1. Egg and cheese on an authentic NYC whole wheat bagel, an apple and Starbuck’s coffee.*
  2. Tuna salad wrap and a cookie
  3. protein bar
  4. copious amounts of dark beer, Jack Daniels and pizza.

*There is nowhere else that I have had a bagel like the ones on NYC’s Upper West Side. They are truly unmatched in texture and density. I heart NY bagels!

Saturday, March 13th 2010

Happy New Year

Posted by Johnny

I dedicate this first entry to the guy at Gym Bar NYC for kindly saying, ” Sorry to interrupt, but you need to update your blog”. He was/is right… it’s been a long time since I have written anything and for that I have no excuse. I was lazy and preoccupied with my living situation and it would have made for some good entries.

I have been quite mobile since the beginning of the summer living at my wife’s house, (yes, it’s a joke), Palm Springs and various destinations around the East coast. Everything has settled down a bit and I am living in a very cool old Hollywood house till mid April when I pack the truck and the dog and head East for Provincetown. This will be my 5th cross country trip and I must say I am absolutely thrilled. The idea of being mobile and having all my supplies around me appeals to me which I guess explains my constant pattern of moving around; Ma Hazzard calls me her gypsy son.


Enough about the past, lets talk about the present. I am sitting at JFK in NYC waiting for a flight that has been delayed to Detroit. I am hoping to get there in time to see Silversun Pickups with my oldest and best-est friend since the 6th grade, Aimie. I spent the last couple days here in NYC because of work, I had a gig at Splash last night which went fairly well. I meant to take some more pics but luckily my good friend Greg Endries accompanied me there and took a couple shots. I did manage to take a couple before the event in the bathroom that I thought were blog worthy and yes, it is what you think it is. So if you’re reading this guy at Gym Bar, I dedicate this shitty entry to you my friend. I also have a crush on Colby Keller… thanks Greg.
