Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Thursday, July 13th 2006

People Will Pay You To Be Inhumane

Posted by Johnny

Last month I had lost a big filling from my mouth during a time of slight turmoil and unrest. The minor loss proved to be a major catalyst for change. From a psychological point of view, dreams about losing one’s teeth or loose teeth are a sign of loss of control and or a sense of being unprepared. In my experience, that has been pretty accurate. Knowing that, when my filling fell out it was a clear and loud sign that was taking physical form. It’s that relationship that I have with my body that often speaks louder than life itself. I was amazed at how blind I had been and to a large degree, lost control.

To take care of the problem and fix that life saving molar I turned to my buddy Chris who happens to be a dentist. It helps to have friends. It was a very large filling, I remember when I had it done. My mother took me to a local dentist who saw the cavity and claimed that a root canal was imperative and needed to be done right away. Following a cursory inspection of the shoddy facility Ma Hazzard said, “You’re out of your f’ing mind, we’re going somewhere else”.

That’s how we found Dr. Jeffery Orchen, who would be my dentist until I left Ohio. It was a major cavity, but I was spared the root canal by Dr. Orchen and left with a nearly 50% filling to fall out in June some 18 years later.

At the dentist’s office today I was given two doses of Novocaine and left for 20 minutes. Apparently this was supposed to be enough to make my lips and face numb. It was no where near numb, I was given two more. It wasn’t until after the procedure that I really felt the effects. It is a very annoying feeling, being numb and I forgot how dreadful it is. Drinking water required mind over matter and left me and Milo quite moist for the ride home.

With that ordeal behind me it became clear to me that I had some other things to deal with. Namely to take control of a situation I had been ignoring. I’m a big boy, I should know better, but sometimes I get my priorities out of whack and it takes a big piece of metal falling out of my mouth to remind me what is important.

7 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

Don’t want to put any pressure on you … we readers do have our own lives … but we do also get all motherly-like when you’re away for too long. Health and happiness are key … I’m glad you took your time in posting this important message.

And, as an aside, when Sean Penn was asked on the Actor’s Studio what his favorite curse work was, he responded, “DENTIST.”

the frog Says:

Next time I watch the opening scene in Bolt, I’ll half expect Zak Spears to growl: “Now… SPIT!”

You know Rita, now that you mention it, Sean Penn and Johnny do have some things in common. They both got balls and are not afraid to show it; and it’s safe to assume that at some point or other in their lives, they have moved their hips to Madonna…

Boy Wonder Says:

Thank god someone got the “Little Shop” reference!

the frog Says:

“One eye for beauty, another for horrors.” I want it on my tombstone.

the frog Says:

BTW, Boy Wonder, I notice you didn’t put a capital on the Holy Name but remembered to honor a Broadway show. The good news is that you have just scored 3 points on your GayCard. The bad news is that your immortal soul is bound to burn in hell until the end of times but you knew that already.

Boy Wonder Says:

Yeah, for me god is not a proper noun. And I believe our society has surpassed the standards so eloquently illustrated by Dante. Video killed the circus, Santa is dead and so forth.

the frog Says:

“our society has surpassed the standards so eloquently illustrated by Dante”. Incredible and yet, unfortunately, so true.

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