Hazzard Ahead

Friday, October 12th

Ask Johnny Episode 1

Posted by Johnny

Thanks to everybody that shared their ideas for this new segment on Hazzard Ahead. Our topic this time around came from dtwave who asked many related questions.

1. I imagine you have screaming, balls to the walls sex all the time, but that is probably more fantasy than reality. Give us sense of what the real situation is for our favorite porn star.

People like to think that porn stars are all sex, all the time. That may be true for some. For me sex has always been a very important part of my life - not my entire life. And the guys I meet and keep around are the same way. Is there more sex in my life because of what I do? Who can say? I do know that when I first began I found that I was having less sex than before. Strange, but true.

My life as Johnny took off pretty quickly. I started to become a personality, appearing at events, clubs and launches. While there was plenty room for being “myself” at these things I was still a porn star no matter how you wanted to dress me up or down; I was conceived out of sex and that was my business. It was my job to be sexual, an object, a fantasy, an ideal. When you are doing that for a long period of time it begins to wear on you. After an evening of doing it up Showgirls style to an audience of drunken, moist horn doggers sex was the last thing on my mind. I mostly craved cheese sticks and beer.

2. Does “ordinary” sex with a boyfriend or date pale in comparison to the orgy scene in Bolt? As a fan, I envy the fact that you get to have sex with some of the hottest men on earth. OK, I envy them too, getting to have sex with you, THE hottest man on earth.

I think the Bolt orgy scene is kind of like the first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan; most things will seem tame afterwards. While my partners on screen are uber hot sometimes, the hotness usually ends there. This is a movie with direction and lots of it. Chi Chi is known for being the best in the biz and let me tell you, she knows what she wants and will get it no matter what. So there you are, naked on the butcher block three inches from Mr. Do You Have A License To Carry That Across State Lines and you might think about doing something, but you have your boss telling you to contort yourself into positions that make Twister look like a geriatric yoga class. The result? Hot scenes that move DVDs off shelves and inspire guys and gals alike to take matters into their own hands. The process? Work. Not answering phones, digging ditches or changing the world, but still just work.

3. Is it hard to find a guy outside the industry who appreciates what you do for work, and is secure enough not to be intimidated by it?

Porn is a very small piece of my life and I’ve never had difficulty finding quality people to populate my world. While I still have great people around me there have been some intimidation issues related to my porn status. I get it. I really do. Some guys think that because I’m a “professional” that I’m used to some advanced degree of sex. If they only knew what actually happens on set. If anything the sex industry works against good sex. You can bottle a hot fuck, but a chemical connection is not available at your grocer’s freezer. To see a hot fuck all you need is a screen, to feel a hot fuck you need the connection.

It’s interesting to me that this question brings appreciation into the picture. I think very few people appreciate what it takes to do what I do well. There have definitely been plenty of guys in my life who didn’t factor my work into our relationship at all. Whether they understood its significance or not is irrelevant because it just didn’t matter. One of the most important qualities I seek in a man is self confidence. It’s one of the few common features you’ll find in the guys that make my grade. Some people might think of me as some sex crazed guy that “needs” sex all the time. Not true, it’s quite the opposite to be honest because doing a job that requires me to be sexual increases my need for intimacy - not a blow job.

That’s all for now. More chipping away at the fantasy next time…

Sunday, October 7th

Put Up Your Dukes

Posted by Johnny

I'm not a duke

Some of you may recognize this photo from my MySpace profile. It was taken at Warner Brothers on the set of Gilmore Girls over a year ago. What I didn’t realize until quite recently is that this town square set was also used for the Dukes of Hazzard television series. I’m not a fan of the show at all, but I AM a Hazzard and it’s kind of cool that I was walking around where Boss Hogg and the Hazzard boys had many of their adventures!

This week I’m hoping to get some much needed catch up time. Since Ma Hazzard returned to Ohio I’ve been running around like a mad man. My new job is taking up a ton of time, but hopefully I’ll get some of the photos and videos up from her visit very soon.

Sunday, September 30th


Posted by Johnny

We were raised Catholic but that did not seem to last long. We did the Sunday School thing and I remember being totally consumed with fear in and out of Sunday School. I was afraid to touch the walls or do anything without permission for fear of going to hell; from an early age the nuns and priests took great strides to make it painfully clear that all us children knew about hell and what a terrible place it was. We were all promised that if we did not obey our parents or them for that matter that that hot, terrible and frightening place down under would be our home for all eternity. I get sick thinking of how many children had been abused and were forced to keep it secret under the threat of hell. Had they known that what they were experiencing was in fact hell itself in its most terrible form, perhaps they would have the chance and strength to speak up and rid them selves of the evil dressed in contradiction, lies and white collars.

My Father never went with us. As we got dressed and complained he sat silently in the kitchen or on the sofa. I do not remember whether or not we asked why or even if we got an answer but later I learned the my Father had been married before and had gotten divorced; it was a very bad thing to do in the church those days. I doubt that my Father had chosen not to go based on religious respect and saw it more as a perfect excuse.

Communion Suit

Before I could really grasp the religion and form my own opinion about it, we seemed to have stopped going. But not before I received communion. It was a real whoop-de-doo in my school as it was in any Catholic school.

There was lots of preparation; classes, rehearsals and lots of drilling home the idea that this was a great spiritual gift and we should be happy and grateful. There was of course the underlying threat of eternal damnation that was always lingering behind the chalice, before the prayer, after rehearsals and all throughout that year at St. Pius X in Bedford, Ohio.

I do not think I was nervous as much as I was excited. A large portion of my family had showed up in suits and fancy dresses to the church. There was going to be a great party at my house after the ceremony and I was stoked to hear that money would be given to me in lieu of presents; it was later that day I learned it would be put into an account far from my reach.

I do not remember much about the party, the ceremony or how much money I got. But man do I remember that suit and how much I liked it.

Wednesday, September 26th

Vogue 300

Posted by Boy Wonder

A buddy at work rudely disrupted me at the office today to show me this totally brill video. I heart her for making me aware of its existence. Of course the first thing I thought of was sharing it with all of our beloved readers on Hazzard Ahead. I highly recommend using the full frame feature.

Friday, September 21st

Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon

Posted by Boy Wonder

Facts of interest that occurred on this date in history:

1792 - The French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy.

1931 - Britain went off the gold standard.

1942 - The B-29 Superfortress makes its maiden flight.

1964 - Malta becomes independent from the United Kingdom.

1981 - Sandra Day O’Connor is unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate as the first female supreme court justice.

1999 - Chi-Chi earthquake occurs in central Taiwan, leaving about 2,400 people dead.

Not entirely cheery, huh? Well, thankfully most of us here think of today as Johnny’s birthday and this is a big one, folks. That’s right - it’s the big three oh for our little porn hippie from Ohio. To celebrate the day Ma H is back out west to join the poolside set of Palm Springs and shower Johnny with love, food and cocktails!

Here on Hazzard Ahead the virtual celebration was spearheaded by RitaPHL and hubby JimPHL who put together this lovely token of affection and made it from ALL of us! Now that’s what I call going the extra mile! We love you, Johnny!

Happy 30th!