Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Wednesday, January 7th 2009

The Distance Between Our Dreams

Posted by Johnny

When Ken Knox from Unzipped told me last month that he was doing a piece on Dean Monroe’s new single I quickly swept the information to the back of my brain.

Today someone commented on my music video on You Tube that he liked me, but liked Dean’s song much better than Deeper Into You. Naturally I had to investigate this for myself and dammit – Dean’s song IS really great!

Before writing this entry I decided I needed to research Dean a bit because as far as I know we’ve never met. And if we have it certainly wasn’t an encounter substantial enough for me to formulate an opinion of him. The last thing I want to do is promote someone only to later find out they’re a total jackass… or worse!

First of all, Dean lives in London so that’s a big plus. Second, he’s been in the business about as long as I have and he’s still going strong. Finally he seems very genuine and unaffected, which is a big bonus in this industry as far as I’m concerned. Oh yeah, and I think he has a beautiful singing voice so I certainly hope his album does well.

8 Comments for this post

airrun Says:

I personally like Deeper Into You much more. Although, Dean’s song is great as well.

the frog Says:

Honestly? I like yours much more – and I say this without fear of being prejudiced. However it was cool and quite fair play of you to post it.

boyswannafight Says:

It’s fun, but it’s no “Deeper Into You”, I bought your single and remixes off iTunes the other week and i’m loving them! Any plans to record more music?

Johnny Says:

Thanks guys!!! At the moment I have no future plans to record any more tunes but ya never know.

Ma Hazzard Says:

Ya know, honey – I do like Dean’s song alot…..I think I need to have that one. Remember us driving around in circles during your Christmas visit blasting the radio and singing? Especially when “Moving into Light” came on.

Ma Hazzard Says:

Hey frog………..but OF COURSE you’re not prejudiced! LOL
Yeah – it was cool of my babe to post it.

k92110 Says:

I found your song on Itunes so I googled you…Dean’s song is strong but there is an edgy sexy tone to your voice that suits the song really well..Dean’s is more controlled voice…..Difference interpretations of art is definitely enjoyable…I like your voice although I cant find any other songs by you….K

astara13 Says:


I finally heard your song. Since SOMEONE said the would send me a copy and never did. I must say…give up your day job. Serious. Wow. You really should make more music. You have an amazing singing voice (how did I not know this from when we were kids???) I have yet to get the channel to be able to watch you on tv, but I did google it and watch some clips. I don’t think I could stand to watch it from what I have seen, although I would try to out of loyalty and love for you as one of my oldest friends. I will support anything you do, well except the sex industry bit…not into THAT. LOL. I will stick with the lesbians on that front. ;)

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