Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, March 6th 2007

I’d Rather Do That Myself, Thank You

Posted by Johnny

Having friends down here on my home turf is something I really enjoy; and it doesn’t happen enough – believe me. So I was quite pleased when Boy Wonder said he would be able to come out for a visit this weekend. We had a project to work on and many things to discuss, but that was just the side salad to our main course of relaxation and fun.

A co-worker of mine invited us over for dinner Saturday night. His boyfriend cooked a traditional French dinner, a tarragon turkey breast with country style potatoes. It was delicious and very heavy, it was French after all. After that we all went over to Hunters for a little outing. We were sitting outside and my friend Michael remarked that he loves raffles and always wins; we were about to be asked to participate in the raffle they were having later. The man did not ask Boy Wonder or me to purchase any tickets, but gave Michael and his partner two for free. Michael shouted with glee and proceeded to tell us what he has won in the past. He really has won quite a bit. At about 11:30 they began to announce the winning numbers. Michael got the tickets out of his pocket in a confident stride and asked “So what am I winning?” I had no clue since I was left out of the pool. The first number was drawn. Not his. The second was announced and as cool as a clam Michael said “Ok I’ll be right back, I won” I didn’t believe him as he walked towards the table in the front to claim his prize. He returned moments later with two tickets to “Taste of Palm Springs”, sponsored by Kaluha. It is a dinner event with food and wine donated by local restaurants and wineries; it is a chance for them to showcase their products to the public in the hopes that they will either return for dinner or keep them in mind when choosing a wine for their next party. It should be really cool and since Michael won’t be here I get to go for him!

Sunday it was time to work, but not before a little brunch. I do not eat out here so the choice for brunch was left to an unverified recommendation from someone. “A Bit of Country” is what the place was called, but soon after we were seated I thought it would be best if it were re-named “A Bit of Crap”. Our cutlery was a step above plastic and the chairs were clearly designed for different tables; I almost asked for a booster seat. Our waitress was either completely swamped or completely oblivious, either way I was not happy. I gave her thirty seconds to come back for our order after arriving earlier to take our drink requests. After seeing her race frantically from front to back several times all the while apologizing to the tables around us for just about everything I began to count a little faster. She came back at 26. We gave her our order and she asked if we wanted anything to drink – again. We told her just coffee. She giggled and apologized – again.

Everything came to the table at about 15 min thereafter. Boy Wonder was pleased with his waffle and was happy to see the butter was melted, probably because she forgot about the dish sitting under a heat lamp. My eggs were scrambled with Chorizo and resembled Kibbles and Bits. This was not what I had envisioned and it reminded me just why I cook at home.

After that culinary insult we were off to the Aerial Tramway, a huge rotating cable car, (the largest in the Western Hemisphere) and Palm Springs’ main attraction. It goes right to the top of Southern California’s second highest peak. Going from 75 degrees, flip flops and palm trees to snow, pine cones and boots was something. I had been up there before, but that did not help me remember to wear boots; I had socks with my athletic sandals thinking it would be sufficient. As my feet began to get wet with snow I cursed myself for such a stupid oversight. Still we had a nice hike and the ride is always fun – definitely a “must-do” when you’re here. Just get a load of the view.

Mt. San Jacinto

Lunch was better, kind of, at least for me. We ate Mexican. Not because we wanted to, but because we couldn’t come up with a better idea when we discovered the vegetarian restaurant we wanted to try is closed on Sundays. I had fish tacos and Boy Wonder was brave and ordered the ceviche. The fish was not so fresh. He craved bread, anything to try and remove the memory of the pasty dish. Right after that near mid day disaster meal it was time to get to work for the next 4 hours. I think it went well, time will tell, but I can’t right now because it’s a secret.

I am happy to report that dinner went very well. We had tapas at “Azul”, a cute little outdoor space that serves till 2, every day. Poor guys. We had deep fried wonton blue crab ravioli over shitakes in a light cream sauce, beef skewers and a cold tomato, eggplant napoleon with Buffalo Mozzarella dressed with Balsamic. We hashed around ideas, talked about what we liked and what we didn’t about our work day and grooved to some really great tunes.

It was a great weekend even if the food wasn’t.

10 Comments for this post

Genor Says:

Hey guys! Nice post. I don’t know who is luckier, Johnny or Boy Wonder. You’re both so fortunate to have each other. I seriously wonder sometimes if you really know how fortunate?! And then I think to myself, Yes! I suspect you do know. You are keen individuals.

What you’re accomplishing together is fantastic. I read the comment from your last post that said something like “does anyone really care…” and I thought, God! If he only knew. If you only knew what joy you truly bring into my life. If only for that one, brief moment on occasion when I open my browser, click on Hazzard Ahead and see a new post and I think, YES! What are those two goofballs up to today?! (I say that in the most loving way!)

One of the ways that I can say thank you and give back to you for what happiness you give to me is to purchase one of your artistic works. Although I have actually never purchased gay porn, I think I’d like to have one of your videos. I’d like you to recommend your favorite. I’m sure I’ll end up with them all eventually.


PS Two things: First, how’s Ma Hazzard? We haven’t heard from her lately. Second, from the description, it sounds like the dinner made up for what both breakfast and lunch lacked! Dang!

Boy Wonder Says:

Genor – Yay for your comment! It is thrilling to know you sweetly anticipate new posts and that helps a heap at the end of the day.

Our favorite video is easily Wrong Side of the Tracks because it’s very nearly a real movie. It’s the only one I’ve watched and it stands alone without any of the sex scenes. (I think Chad Savage is about as perfect as they get so I actually watch that scene and squint when Johnny’s in the frame).

Ma Hazzard is doing well. You know she’s a busy lady, but she told me not too long ago that she’s working on some posts. She and Johnny speak all the time so it’s easy for them to overlook her absence on Hazzard Ahead.

The “dinner” we had was rather good even though it was more of a nibbles fest. I think next time I visit I’ll just let Johnny cook. Well, after we try the vegetarian place that looked so good.

the frog Says:

I was gonna ask to what on earth was Ma’ Hazzard up to. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you promised us a long post some time ago already :-)

Pepper E Says:

Hi Johnny,

A friend of mine sent me a link to a clip from…um…Delinquents, I think and insisted that I needed to watch it–informing me that was it super hot, and added “You would not believe how pretty the guy is. And he’s got tattoos!” Well, my brain short-circuited (because *goddamn*), and once I was thinking clearly again, I started hunting around the Internets…

Well a little research led me here, and I have to say, I love your blog as much as I love the (unfortunately for me) short clips I found. I’ve been spending many delightful hours working through the archives–hours I probably should have spent on doing my own work, but what can you do?

Your experience in the snow with the sandals made me smile–though I guess you probably weren’t amused. I recently moved from So Cal (the San Bernardino area) to northern Utah. I have to find new ways to adjust to the snow every day! Summer cannot come fast enough…

Anywho, I don’t actually have a porn fund set up, because I have never found a movie that I’d actually want to *buy*. I mean, that indicates a level of commitment that I was never willing to make to other videos. But I’m going to be buying “Wrong Side of the Tracks” as soon as economically feasible.

That’s probably enough babbling for one day…


Angel Benton Says:

Yup, definitely “Wrong Side Of The Tracks,” with “Bolt,” and “Stone Fox” right behind.

Rita PHL Says:

Dearest Johnny & BW: I adored the lovely bedtime, nighty nightly. Wasn’t there a comedic television character that used to end their show with a nighty-nighly … I mean besides “The Waltons?” You guys could camp this bit up and make it a weekly installment. Ideas, Ideas.

Hope you had a lovely rest, Johnny.

Boy Wonder Says:

Are you thinking of Tracey Ullman? I like the installment idea, but Johnny and I don’t cross paths often enough. I think that’s one of the pillars of our friendship, actually.

Johnny Says:

Hey Pepper, welcome and thanks so much for your kind words, Im blushing. I do not get enough women on here. I have my gurl Rita, in Philly and my dear ole MaH and the random note from a female reader every now and then. Other than that its void of estrogen and the energy only a woman can bring; your comments are greatly appreciated!
I do agree with the masses in that “Wrong Side” is my best work to date, and Im just gettin warmed up. Stay tuned my dear and Thank You! J

Vivien Says:

Don’t blush; you deserve all her gushing. It was actually me that sent Pepper the link, and yes, I said all those things, because, hey, all true. Pepper and I have been writing partners for about a year now, and let’s just say we’ve been…inspired lately. And now I definitely know what to get her for Christmas this year.

Anyway, just have to say, brilliant work, and I wish you all the success you deserve. Now if I can just make sure Pepper starts concentrating on her own work again… ;)


Johnny Says:

Now this is cool, I have two girls.
I have read some of the small bits about your stories on Pepper’s page, dig it!!!
Thanks for taking the time ladies and I would love to read what I have inspired sometime!

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