Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Wednesday, December 20th 2006

Homecoming Queen

Posted by Johnny

My drive home started on the Mass Pike Highway 90 at 8:30am yesterday and I was in Cleveland, Ohio by 6pm. Originally, I thought the drive would be 12+ hrs on two separate days, but as I kept driving and the hours kept flying I thought, “What the hell, let’s keep going!”

I love to drive and this was the perfect day for it, until I reached just outside of Buffalo and encountered some serious snow. I was a bit nervous seeing that I had never driven Milo in the snow before, but it wasn’t collecting and melted before it stuck. When I stopped for a slash and a snack I thought it would be a perfect time for a video to document the event.

I also captured the sunset along the Pennsylvania state line. I felt like a photographer for National Geographic who waited all day and timed everything just perfectly for this exact moment.

Ma Hazzard didn’t expect me until today so when I realized I would be early I decided to surprise her. My plan went down w/o a hitch. I called my brother to propose a little plan to surprise our dear ole Ma and start the holiday season on a great note. I arrived at the restaurant before them and was seated at the booth when they walked in the room. She saw me sitting there, but instead of looking surprised she looked as if some one had just given her a wedgie. It was a look of confusion meets physical discomfort… a real “HUH???????” That lasted a second until she dropped her purse and put her hands to her mouth in shock. I told her that I decided to have dinner with her. She still kept her hands and arms on her chest in disbelief that was soon turning into a sob filled joy. I stood up in front of her, attempted to hug her with her arms still wrapped around her body clutching herself. She would not let go. Did I mention that we were standing, all three of us in the middle of the aisle?

I finally had to say “Mom, hug me. People are watching” as if we were in a play and that was the next scene. She soon came to and gave me a big hug. When she finished crying we had a lovely dinner. Now you can watch my original plan in full, living color below.

7 Comments for this post

u4eahguy Says:

Wow that was sweet of you to surprise your mother like that. Watching your little home movie was nice also. Shows you as a real person. Even Hotter than your movies.

I have to admit I had not seen any of your movies untill just the other day, saw “Wicked”. And just saw your music video today. loved them.

Genor Says:

I can’t tell you how amazed I am at how normal your life seems at times. I have been riveted since the first time I read your blog and just fascinated at how intelligent and reflective you seem. I confess my impression of a gay porn star is anything but an intellectual or average joe… but obviously I have it wrong. Every time I tune in I find you are such a normal guy and I’m so amazed! I loved watching your road trip video clips, as well. Have a terrific holiday!

Lost in Tennessee Says:

Johnny, you really do have an awesome mom! On another note, I wonder if you and your brother are close. I am guessing any sibling rivalry was left in the past?

By the way, I have never seen someone so excited over a sunset! I can only imagine how you would act during a full solar eclipse. Yet, I hope you are always able to see nature’s beauty. I also hope you have a nice Christmas. Are you expecting anything extra special from Santa this year?

On a final note, where did the name Milo come from?

Johnny Says:

Firsts, welcome to my world u4 and Genor I appreciate your comment. Technology and ever expanding knowledge of it will allow this road trip back to CA to be documented and broadcasted as it unfolds…should be a gr8 ride; stay tuned.

LIT u r always one for the inquiries aren’t you.

My brother and I are not close, but we are not far apart either. I find it hard to find a common ground that lasts long enough. He is very much an introvert and I obviously am not. To sum it up, we are different. I wish it were the opposite, but it is what it is and what it is is nothing to regret; it could always be worse.

As for my buddy, Milo is named after my Uncle and his son, my first cousin. Three of my favorite names are Milo, Salvatore (Sal) and Leo.

Enjoy your time next week LIT. J

Genor Says:

Johnny… do tell… just how much fun WERE you having when you filmed that “Moving Into Light” clip? My goodness, I can’t stop watching! I’m addicted to it like a fine european chocolate. I can’t get enough. LOL And though it is a terrific song, it’s all about you for that 4 minutes and 7 seconds.

EscapeWolff Says:

Johnny: never be afraid of snow in Buffalo. It’s just snow, and we can keep it moving. Worst thing that could happen is one of Buffalo’s many many many gay men would be happy to help you if you ever got stuck in Buffalo due to weather (the SUV in Buffalo is the gay man’s sedan).

Johnny Says:

How much fun was I having?

Is that rhetorical? I had a gr8 time!

The song was not what we had planned to use originally. After a couple of tries getting no where, I put MIL on the iPod for a little loosening up and then well you see what happened… that was not rehearsed, planned or choreographed. It happened just as you see it.

Except for the Johnny back up dancers.

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