Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, June 30th 2006

Slow Days of Summer

Posted by Johnny

Today was the type of day that moved so slowly that there were times I would’ve sworn that it moved backwards. I just wanted the day to end. I had no evening obligations so I felt very hopeful at what I might get into. Today was also the most perfect day this June has seen. I wanted nothing more than to be in it.

On the way home I began to think up some sort of errands that would include minimal contact with the public and maximum contact with the outdoors. I came to mowing the lawn for Sarah. We went shopping for garden supplies last weekend. We opted for a lawnmower that used no gas or made any sound. It is one of those vintage mowers that have the blades going round the axle like a staircase. A little out dated and not nearly as effective, but we will not disturb a soul. Perfect!

To round off our oil defiance, we bought the power operated weed-wacker. So I got outside and got to cut things, pruned the tiger lily bush and edged the yard in the back. It looks great and was completely satisfying to manicure something while having the sun on my back. Yard work has always appealed to me. A sense of Zen the liberty to create is pretty much all I need to be wholly content.

When I was in my late teens I had a job landscaping with a good buddy of mine. It was a great job, we did huge accounts and we rode the mowers then. They had 36″ decks and we stood atop a little wheel trailing from the back with foot racks on either side. It was a fun ride, especially when you would hit a tree root either knowingly or completely off guard. At lunch, Jason and I would climb the nearest tree with our lunches, get high, eat and laugh, then put in a couple more hours riding the “SCAGS” and riding out our buzzes watching the sun set. Good times…

Last night I received a rather amusing e-mail from Rita, my largest fan to date in Pennsylvania. She found this photo of me while surfing the net and wondered if my eyes really were different colors. Totally genuine, I’m really surprised the people at Rascal didn’t have acfew words with me, for changing my eye color in one eye. But as you remember from my tattoo mid way through the making of “Bolt” I like to push the buttons and tug at the limits a bit.

Johnny's Two Color Eyes

4 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

Johnny, after reading your and Boy Wonder’s messages about my eye color query I was reminded of an interview I read where you actually mentioned trying out colored lenses … can’t believe I didn’t recall that interview when I saw the image. I’m gonna try tracking down that article!

Angel Benton Says:

Gardening, cooking, fashion design, gay porn….you’re a regular Martha Stewart!! What? You didn’t know about Martha’s porno past? Ask her cellmates at Alderson. *wink*

the frog Says:

Actually, Angel, I think Martha herself has documented her porn past in her celebrated book and accompanying video “The French Got Nothing On Us or 101 Ways To Use A Cucumber.”

Angel Benton Says:

ROTFLMAO Frog! Good one!

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