Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, June 25th 2010

The End Of An Era

Posted by Johnny

Last month I received a notice from my credit card processor that it was time again for me to cough up my annual fee to Visa. That in itself was irritating, but the fee also went up 25% since last year and that was the final straw. I am so fed up with financial institutions and their endless array of fees and hidden costs that continue to skyrocket for no reason.

Visa charges “high risk” businesses this fee because they anticipate a large percentage of chargebacks and other fraudulent activity. In the four years of running an adult web site I have had no chargebacks and no shenanigans of any sort and they still expect me to ante up? Hell to the no! So I’m shutting down the membership site and converting it to an all third party affiliate affair. I’ll keep some of the photos and bio and to hell with the rest.

Before all of this came down I shot a solo scene in the shower of my place in P’town so I’m going to post that as my final update this weekend. If you have ever wanted to check out my adult site now is the time because it’s going away for good. I will keep it accessible to members for the rest of the summer free of charge because I really appreciate the support I’ve received from my fans – especially those that have been with me from the beginning. (You know who you are.)

June 30th is the final day I’ll be able to accept new members so I hope to see you there. And if you have any difficulty drop an e-mail to my handy web guy and he will set things straight. There have been some communication issues lately and I’m sure it has nothing to do with the processor; however, we can always rectify things pretty quickly.

Friday, June 11th 2010

Hung Like A…

Posted by Johnny

While on a binger in New York City a few weeks back, a good buddy of mine showed me this awesome blog dedicated to themed penis images. Sound weird? Maybe, but if you like cock then it’s a smorgasbord of imagery from the impressive to the outright bizarre! Check it out – you won’t be disappointed!

In fact, you’ll lose(r) hours of time!

Friday, June 4th 2010

Back To The Porn

Posted by Johnny

Many of you may have wondered once or twice in the past year why so very little pornesque material has been featured here on Hazzard Ahead. Well, there hasn’t been much to report and I’ve sort of been over it all to be perfectly honest. So when the nice guys at AEBN approached me about having an affiliate theater created I thought it would be a great way to get my porn on without having to do, well, anything.

Imagine my surprise when they presented this to me with absolutely no input or advice from me:

My New Porn Theater

I think everyone will agree that no service compares with AEBN for the true porn addict! And we all know that what an addict likes has to be the best. I couldn’t agree more. So if you’re in the mood check out my latest porn portal and let me know what you think.

Friday, May 14th 2010

Cross Country Episode 4: Rocky Mountain High

Posted by Johnny

Before I begin this tale I’d like to introduce my co-pilot, navigator, communications manager and photographer, Scott. Scott was nice enough to accompany PD and me on our little jaunt. He was also been along on my last trip cross country in 2007 that ended in destruction when Milo was broken into and my ENTIRE music and DVD collection was taken and sold on the black market of the Mission in SF…. I’m still not over it. Can you tell?

With Scott’s superior ability to read and use maps, his state of the art Mac book, his various publications on popular and obscure points in the US and the blessing of portable WiFi we were two steps ahead of ourselves and knew everything we would need and want to know about all of our planned sites.

At a couple of points Scott’s office would begin to ooze over to my side and on two occasions moved the gear shift into a Neutral posistion… on the Interstate… while we were moving; a small price to pay for advanced communication and professional documentation.

Scott the navigator and cruise director

The drive through Vail and Breckenridge was the worst of the entire trip. It was stunning and quite difficult. We experienced sleet, snow, rain and extreme fog which made me mad that I didn’t get the right windshield wiper replaced nor did I apply Rain-X to the windshield. Bummer. An old friend from high school that I hadn’t seen in 10 years lives about 10 minutes from where I write this entry. I’m so stoked to see her and a little nervous. Till then…

Thursday, May 13th 2010

You Sure Are Pretty

Posted by Johnny

About a month ago I noticed that my front left tooth, which is a cap, had a crack in it and began to discolor on the top. Since this little fucker cost a pretty penny my dentist said it would be replaced at no charge. Phew. I thought since we had done this before that he would have the dimensions necessary to order a new one and that that would be that.

Due to a misunderstanding on my part and a lack of communication on the dentist’s part, I was given a temporary 2 days before I was to leave for the east coast. It turns out that they need to take an impression and order a new one. He explained that when the tooth came to his office in Palm Springs he would send it to wherever I ended up and we would take care of it. Easy enough right?

I made it across the country with no problems at all until I arrived home in Ohio. I asked Mom to have everybody over to celebrate my arrival. Two hours and 2 six packs into the evening the tooth fell out when I bit down on a pizza crust. I had bought some dental fixative but in my state of happiness I knew it would be stupid so I decided to leave it off. It supplied everybody with much ammunition for jokes and kept us all laughing all night long.

Having fun

The next day after looking at it I became strangely attracted to it. I thought it was very hot hillbilly and decided to keep it (much to Aimie’s dismay) until my replacement arrived. I really got a kick out of watching peoples faces as they realize that I had no tooth.

This text will be replaced

Moms Day Patio Games

Rest assured that all is back to normal and I have all my toofs!
