Thursday, April 6th 2006
Posted by Johnny
Raging Stallion has scheduled a scene with François and some other dudes to be shot today. Last night we had to relocate our sleeping quaters to allow room for a new import. We slept in F’s twin bed. Yup, a twin bed. I think we managed quite well to be honest. At one point I woke up because my right side had fallen asleep and I found myself staring right at his handsome mug. I have never been a fan of the “watching him sleep thing” but MAN! He has this curve to his lips right under his nose and a dimple in the chin that just beckons for glares. I stayed up an extra minute and lost all feeling in the right side of my body. Well worth it b/c when I finally threw my shoulder over he woke up slightly and turned over!
As I kissed him goodbye, he said that he would call me later. I had a feeling his scene was going to carry him way into the night. I do not know Raging Stallion and their shooting styles, but I know porn. Any scene involving 3 or more guys is a crap shoot as far as time is concerned. I didn’t have the desire to say goodbye to him. I was totally comfortable living in denial till tomorow morning when I leave. I hate drawn out goodbyes; especially when that goodbye means being separated by an ocean. I am not good at goodbyes. They are always “see you laters”.
It was cold when I returned home and I spent the afternoon doing laundry, getting stoned and finishing the Ben and Jerry’s N.Y. SuperFudge in Kevin’s fridge. All done to the stylings of season 5 of Six Feet Under. Kevin suggested visiting our neighborhood bar, Moby’s, for a game of pool with the boys over some drafts. The bartender, John, who was just getting off, was unbelievably gracious and bought all of my Red Hooks. He would have bought the rounds for the crew, but my frinds are in the middle of training. They have signed up for a Triathalon involving a swim from Alcatraz! Well, I was not training and told John to keep the pint glass full!
I enjoy pool. I enjoy beer. The two shall not mix. That was my lesson today. At 9:30 on a Thursday the last thing you want to be doing is sloshing your way around a pool table. At one point I gave Kevin my cue stick and surrendered. It was for the better of everyone’s evening. After an obligatory slice of pizza from Marcello’s (The Best!) it was off to bed. I drifted off to sleep a little drunk and very blue.
Filed in Blues, Just Life, Lust, Crushes & Other Inconveniences | No Comments »
Wednesday, April 5th 2006
Posted by Johnny
F and I woke up promptly at 9 and had a somewhat adequate breakfast at a local diner around Folsom St. We then headed over to the gym for a killer leg workout. I hate doing legs, but having somebody there is a big help – especially when they look like are François Sagat.
When I first started going to the gym I remember going at around 5 or so and having to work in with some guy at the cables. Well, I also remember having to bend down and remove the pin from its slot and put it up really high from the original position. It was trés embarrassing. So embarrassing that I never returned to the gym during that time again for about a year. I didn’t feel embarrassed with F at all, it was just sort of reminiscent of that time. That kind of thing is in my head, it’s not real, it comes form my own feelings of inadequacy which are far from valid.
Cut to the squat machine and I was taking the 7th 45lb plate from the rack to the machine I said, “Perhaps I should just sit on the bar for you, it would be far less work and just as much weight.” An hour or so later we limped out of Gold’s and headed over to his place to discuss our next move. I felt like another movie. Not only was it an excuse to cuddle up to those shoulders again, but I felt like I needed a real scary movie. I had gotten myself worked up for it yesterday and was a bit disappointed with “Slither”. This time I chose. “The Hills Have Eyes” was a no brainer. I knew of the general idea of it; however, had no idea what I was in for.
I cuddled up to his shoulders, I grabbed his pant leg, dropped the popcorn and jumped out of my seat numerous times. This was Wes Craven at his absolute best!!!! It was an amazing movie, amazing for a horror movie. There was a really violent sequence about a third of the way in that almost made me puke and walk out. I never react that way….ever. I have seen many many many movies like this, but never had this sort of reaction. I LOVED IT!!!!!!! At the end of the movie I had to collect my breath for a moment before we left. You know when you get off a good roller coaster and you’re suprised you survived and proceed directly to the ride line? Yeah. Fucking Intense. Two fat, hard cocks way up!!!
I’m just about to retire now to the comfort of François and his bed, but before that we have an interview to complete for him. There are some questions he doesn’t understand. And upon reading them I really don’t either. “What is up your ass right now?” That was one of them. François replied “the chair?” FUCKIN’ ADORABLE! Those brown eyes are enough to make you, and I do, grab that face and just kiss him. I told him that was the most ridiculous question I have ever heard and he had every right to dismiss it… along with that one… that one and for sure that one. It seemed like these questions were formulated by a 13 yr old shut-in that hadn’t seen the light of day in years. There are benefits to doing interviews in print.
Filed in Ancient History, Anthropology, Lust, Crushes & Other Inconveniences, Photos | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 4th 2006
Posted by Johnny
This tank top auction is really exciting. I’m looking forward to the end when things will hopefully heat up. It would be great if the pups and I could split several Ben Franklins. Speaking of pups, get a load of this adorable, sweet dog that was rescued this week in Pasadena. A friend of mine sponsored the dog and Karma Rescue paid for the adoption. At first he was just going to put the puppy up until she could be adopted, but she won him over and may just keep her all to himself. Another success story!
Meanwhile, South of Market, Johnny and François are enjoying some time together. We had lunch in the Castro, came back to Noe Valley to check the listings of local flicks. We became a little side tracked with each other and the camera. I let F pick the movie. He suggested “Slither”, he had seen it before and was very up on the idea of watching it with me.
“Is it a scary movie?”
“Let’s go!”
More of an excuse to slide up to those shoulders! Well I still slid up to those shoulders, but not because I was scared. The movie was, as F put it so appropriately, “cheesy”. If you have seen “Attack Of The Killer Tomatos” or “When Mars Attacks” you have the gist. From what F told me, the director was the guy from “Day Of The Dead” – it showed. I think he may have been stoned or something because it was slightly comedic, not scary like “Day Of The Dead” but did posses some gory scenes. The company was definitely the winner on this one. After that we enjoyed a bottle of Amarone and a great meal at this Italian grill downtown.
We all know that F is beautiful, duh! But after the initial cloud of lust comes down one has to engage himself in a conversation or two. I enjoy talking to him. He makes me laugh. 5 points. We share a lot of the same feelings regarding girls, the public, our jobs and the way we operate. I also found out that we sort of grew up the same way. I have never met anybody who grew up like me. It’s very comforting. I have never met anybody who shares the same lifestyle as me; yet had some hard times getting here.

Also, I have never met anybody who drinks so much Diet Coke and other sugar laden beverages. Between the Red Bulls and the protein shakes this man has a can of Diet Coke in his hands at all times. I had to get proof for my readers. On the subject of proof, I have been thinking about asking F if he would mind perhaps creating a home movie with me. You know, like Colin Farrell did not so long ago? It would be nice for us to have something(s) to remember each other when he returns to France. *wink* I better get out the instruction manual.
Filed in Lust, Crushes & Other Inconveniences, Out & About, Photos, Pounds, Schillings & Pence, Sexcapades | No Comments »
Thursday, March 30th 2006
Posted by Johnny
This morning I woke up excited as hell. I was about to embark on an exciting weekend. I will be stopping in LA for the evening before getting a flight to Phoenix for the Pride Celebration. When I return I will be going on my longest solo road trip to date. On Monday morning I am leaving at the crack of dawn to drive to San Fransisco. One of my best buddies lives there and seeing him is always very centering. He’s remained the same through everything and that is very special to me.
It just so happens, that François is staying there until he returns to Paris. It will be nice to see them both for (obviously) different reasons. I must say I am most excited for the drive. Me, Milo and I5. Good tunes, sunshine (hopefully) and some good catch-up conversations with people back home. Quality time spent with one of my favorite persons. Me. I love being by myself. Granted, sometimes I like to have the energy of somebody else around, but for the most part I enjoy being with me.
Before I left for LA this morning I stopped and got an iced coffee for the journey. I also asked for an extra plastic cup. The only good thing about traffic jams on the 10 is they afford you a chance to pee. I have mastered the skill of peeing while crawling along in traffic. The only thing that took a while was learning to accelerate while trying to contract my bladder to stop the flow because the plastic cup was filled. The idea of stopping the stream coupled with a desire to go faster proved to be a huge mind fuck and resulted in a few damp shorts in the beginning, but now, flawless. I had to go twice on the way down. The second time was at about 70 mph and almost ended in much more than a moist spot. Don’t worry – it wasn’t like car crash bad, just spilling about 24 oz of neon urine all over the driver side bad.
I have 2.5 hrs to kill before I meet my PR guy Rob to have dinner with him. I’m staying at his place tonight so we can catch an early flight together tomorrow. Boy Wonder will be here in 30 mins to help me pass the time. I keep thinking about my kitchen. Probably the most rewarding part of a job like this is being able to come back to it after spending some time away and really see my accomplishment in all of its glory! I look forward to seeing it when it’s really done!
Filed in Anthropology, Lust, Crushes & Other Inconveniences, Planes, Trains & Automobiles | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 28th 2006
Posted by Johnny
It’s back to the grind today. Thoughts of François seem to distract me all day. I decided to paint the kitchen today to look a little more attractive to potential renters. Painting has always been a calming activity for me; like productive meditation. The detail required to get into that space between the wall and ceiling is my favorite part. All of a sudden I remembered my last night with François and paint dripped from the brush onto my kitchen floor. I shook it off, had a glass of water and a cold shower and resumed. I got half way through the first wall when I decided to break for Hazzard Mail. Expecting the usual slew of pharmaceutical ads peppered with erection promises and big tittie web cam adverts, I was surprised to see one letter in particular. You guessed it, a lovely note from Monsieur Sagat.
I had been toying with the idea of taking a drive up to San Francisco where he is staying after I get back from Phoenix on Sunday. Well, it looks like I need not toy any longer. As of Monday afternoon I will be French kissing the Frenchman. Kissing this man is like nothing I have ever experienced. His style parallels mine to a T! I am definitely one to kiss and tell and let me tell you!!!!
Once the paint had dried on my brush, making it virtually impossible to continue the project, I cursed my lack of discipline. Listening to my latest music review for Frontiers proved to be a good distraction from my hormones and imagination. I’m not in 7th grade anymore. I don’t crush on boys. And yet I still found myself checking Hazzard Mail far more than usual…
Filed in Home & Garden, Lust, Crushes & Other Inconveniences | No Comments »