Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, September 25th 2009

The Sun Always Shines On Me

Posted by Johnny

Of the many times I have visited the Pacific Northwest I had never ventured out into the surrounding countryside. That sort of exploring is not easy to achieve when you’re flown in for a seedy, late-night dance gig and whisked away right afterward. From previous visits to Seattle and Portland I knew both cities have a green attitude and encourage bicycle travel, which I have come to miss lately in my mobile world. This time my visit was focused on experiencing the real Seattle with my tour guide Sam.

As you may have guessed because it’s so damn obvious – I loved Seattle and it could be one of my new favorite all around cities. There was water everywhere you looked and the best part of it was that you could, at any place really, pull over, get the dog and go for a swim, hike or just sit there and wonder why you didn’t live there.

Every single time I’ve been to Seattle or Portland the weather was sun-shiny gorgeous – even in winter. Then someone :-( informed me that non-sunny days far outnumber the sunny ones, that moist is the word du jour and I couldn’t count on my freakish luck to provide fair weather as a resident. Crap.

Here are some lovely photos I took with my phone.

It's Me!
It's Me!
It's Me!
It's Me!
It's Me!
It's Me!

It's Me!

It's Me!

It's Me!

It's Me!

It's Me!

It's Me!

2 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

That phone takes wonderful pictures. I know they don’t do the beauty justice.

asworkm916 Says:

You should check out the Greenbrier!

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