Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, July 15th 2011

I Got Nuthin’

Posted by Johnny

After 3 days, 2 nights, 32 hours and more than a few 100 miles later I arrived into Cleveland from Los Angeles. I was only slightly concerned that I would be lonely or antsy on the road. Neither was the case; in fact, it went by very fast, very smoothly and I could not have asked for better weather. I wish I had some revelations to share with you all, but I’m afraid I do not. I spent the majority of my time not thinking and when I did engage in such behavior I thought about how I’m going to proceed with a new project I started with Randy Blue.

Nice Drive

I’ve learned in the last year that I am definitely someone who can do this sort of thing; many people are not and cringe when I tell them what I do on a regular basis, driving I mean. I find the whole experience rather therapeutic and cleansing although I’m not looking forward to doing this drive anytime soon.

No Glam Here

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