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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, March 28th 2006

Heavenly Distraction

Posted by Johnny

It’s back to the grind today. Thoughts of François seem to distract me all day. I decided to paint the kitchen today to look a little more attractive to potential renters. Painting has always been a calming activity for me; like productive meditation. The detail required to get into that space between the wall and ceiling is my favorite part. All of a sudden I remembered my last night with François and paint dripped from the brush onto my kitchen floor. I shook it off, had a glass of water and a cold shower and resumed. I got half way through the first wall when I decided to break for Hazzard Mail. Expecting the usual slew of pharmaceutical ads peppered with erection promises and big tittie web cam adverts, I was surprised to see one letter in particular. You guessed it, a lovely note from Monsieur Sagat.

I had been toying with the idea of taking a drive up to San Francisco where he is staying after I get back from Phoenix on Sunday. Well, it looks like I need not toy any longer. As of Monday afternoon I will be French kissing the Frenchman. Kissing this man is like nothing I have ever experienced. His style parallels mine to a T! I am definitely one to kiss and tell and let me tell you!!!!

Once the paint had dried on my brush, making it virtually impossible to continue the project, I cursed my lack of discipline. Listening to my latest music review for Frontiers proved to be a good distraction from my hormones and imagination. I’m not in 7th grade anymore. I don’t crush on boys. And yet I still found myself checking Hazzard Mail far more than usual…

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