Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Saturday, February 10th 2007

Awards… I’ve Had A Few

Posted by Johnny

It’s that time again. No not tax time, you do not need me to remind you of that, it’s GAYVN award season. Usually the GAYVNs are held in West Hollywood at Rage Nightclub. This year it will be held at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco with all the fanfare it deserves. HELL YEAH! Not only will it be in my most favorite west coast city, but Boy Wonder will be there and we are lucky enough to have the fabulous Kathy Griffin as our award hostess.

This may be a bit of a drag for some of the West Hollywood set since the ceremony draws in some of the hottest Porn Stars from all over the globe. To fill that void, enter the first annual WeHo XXX Awards; a viewer’s choice type of awards show. The votes were cast by fans online and the awards were given out last Wednesday at Micky’s, another popular watering hole in the hood.

Although I went home emptied handed, I had an absolute blast seeing friends old and new and drinking Sapphire tonics. Yummy!

I have no idea who this was but I loved her make-up.

Just Kidding! It's Chi Chi, who won best director!

I absolutely love seeing Tyler… I should know by now to bring a step stool when taking pictures with him.

Tyler Riggz

The man who is responsible for all of my worldly travels and the one behind Club Channel 1, Rob Reimer who is looking better and better… YOU GO RIMMA!!!!

Rob Reimer

You will be seeing much more of this scruffy sucker, Adam Faust, check him out on AdamFaust.com. He is designing my next tattoo.

Adam Faust

The beefy, ever hot Jake Deckard.

Jake Deckard

You have seen these two misfits before. These are two of my best and oldest friends Mike and Mitch. They were kind enough to show up and hang out with me to buffer the madness.

Mike and Mitch

17 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

Thanks for the gorgeous pix! So, this year’s GAYVNs are being hosted by KATHY GRIFFIN? She is my personal hero. Have a great time!

the frog Says:

Forget about bringing a stool next time, bring Tyler one of your “small” t-shirts - I know, done to death joke, but I just love to make fun of those sexier than me.

And BTW, JakeDeckard JakeDeckard JakeDeckard, JakeDeckard. JakeDeckard? JakeDeckard JakeDeckard JakeDeckard; Deckard, Deckard, Deckard! Deckard!!! JakeJakeJakeJake? JakeDeckard, Deckard: JakeDeckard Jake. JakeDeckard; JakeDeckard - Deckard, JakeDeckardJake JakeDeckard…

Sorry, it’s Pavlovian.

Joej888 Says:

Hi~I can’t believe that I am leaving a message to my favourate star!OH~I’m your big supporter from a mystery country!I am fanscinated by you.Thanks for giving us the oppertunities to watch your sexiest performence.The pics are cool!
whish you happy!By the way,this is the first time I leave message to my favourate star!It feels good!And I like >!

Marastar Says:

Wow, you have fans everywhere, even from mysterious countries..

Genor Says:

lmao marastar. Johnny, are you a little guy or are these other studs in your pics just monsters?! How much fun was that though?! I can’t wait to see your GAYVN award pics.

Your face in each picture tells it’s own story. I especially like the one of you and Tyler! He’s yummy, you’re delish! And both, so cute.

I laughed my ass off yesterday at a text I got. It’s unrelated to this post but I thought I’d share it: “Some people are like slinkies, not really good for anything, but you can’t help laughing when you push them down the stairs.” Bwahahaha… I know, kind of cruel but hilarious.

Be happy!

the frog Says:

I don’t know, Genor, it was kinda fun the first ten times or so but the novelty quickly worn off.

PS: if you’re not doing anything special next week, could you come and testify at my trial? TIA.

Marastar Says:

I’ll wager Johnny’s like 5′6-7″ or something. Which I think is awesome, making us short-asses that much more attractive. Fuck off tall dark and handsome, bring in the short dark and handsome :)

the frog Says:

Small is Sexy!

Your lovin’ 5′6″ amphibian.

Boy Wonder Says:

I think Johnny would prefer “compact” to “small” or “short” when describing him. And yes, it IS sexy! You should have seen him when he fell asleep watching TV at my place Friday night. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!

the frog Says:

Don’t call me small, call me compact
Five feet six is where it’s at
I’m not a t-shirt, I’m a man
Or some kind of “sex amphibian”

I may be green but I’m easy
Which I’m told is a quality
At least all of me fits the frame
When I show off my naked fame

If I stay home on Friday night
It’s not because I’m feeling slight
I just don’t care about clubbing
Where you get trampled while dancing

I’d rather watch TV and sleep
Next to a good friend, not a *BEEP*
And let all these guys fantasize
Over my movies - not my size

It’s not all about being short
It’s how you use it in that sport
Some giants may tackle Hazzard
But only if they make him hard

There’s a morale to that story:
Compact is Cool and it’s Sexy
If you don’t believe me, check that crotch
That’s no skyscraper, still it’s posh.

Marastar Says:

Hmm I dunno, when I think of the word “compact”, I think of dick sizes. Short isn’t a bad word - It’s accurate and non-descript, kinda like the word “hairy”, it’s always made out to be some kind of ugly description, which is totally inaccurate. :)

Meanwhile, I think they should let Johnny do a movie *without* any kind of hair removal, go au naturale :P And it’s the 2000’s body hair is back in again, atleast here in Aus it is.

Boy Wonder Says:

Marastar - That request was already put forth by yours truly nearly a year ago. You can see the heavy weight I can pull with Johnny regarding these things.

btw, update your e-mail addy so I can verify with you whether or not you want me to post your drunken comments. ;)

Johnny Says:

My goodness….all these commnets was such the surprise!
Tyler is that tall and wide and compared to my 5′7 (and a half) frame I look smaller and he looks bigger!
I should have many more pictures come this weekend in SF at the 2007 GAYVN award show.
Frog have you ever considered song writing?

the frog Says:

LOL. The only problem is, to quote what a sound engineer once said about a very famous singer, I wouldn’t know my musical keys from my car keys.
Tell you what, Johnny, I’ll write you a song when you write us a short story ;-) (”paging Mr Collins!!”)

Marastar Says:

Ummmm hmmmm… when did I post drunken comments?… Also, I don’t really care if they are posted or not.

I feel like a spaz asking, but how to I verify my e-mail address on this thing?…

Boy Wonder Says:

Marastar - just choose the Profile link when you log into the blog (using the Log In link in the upper left corner of this page). Your e-mail address is one of the things you can edit.

Marastar Says:

Ahhh sweet! Done :D

man, I musta signed up heaps long ago, I changed isp’s months back..

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