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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, December 23rd 2008

Johnny Cooks

Posted by Johnny

The boys over at Unzipped Blog went nuts when I told them I was going to start a series of cooking videos. In honor of their enthusiasm I gave them the first webisode to premiere on their blog. Go have a look for yourself.

6 Comments for this post

the frog Says:

Yay! It’s been too long since we had a cooking post. Those figs look good, I would try them if only my oven would stop sulking. And did I mishear or did you say “merde” at the end? Obviously Monsieur Sagat has been teaching you some naughty stuff. Tsk, tsk.

mike03p Says:

I hope you’re serious about making those cooking videos. I would love that!

Just keep adding to the list of things that make me love you ;) , haha

Merry Christmas btw, xoxo Mike

Boy Wonder Says:


We sure are going to make more cooking videos. In fact, when Johnny gets back to LA we’re going to do a New Year’s edition (also for Unzipped).

Chris Harter Says:

OK. We have “Not Bewitched” and “Not the Brady’s” so does this mean we are going to have “Not Julia” now?

PS I like it better with oven toasted almonds rather than raw almonds.

Rita PHL Says:

BW, did you shoot this? It looks great! Production is good. Johnny looks and sounds great!

I love cooking shows — am addicted to FoodTV — so, you can imagine how thrilled I am with JH’s new venture. Look forward to more!

Boy Wonder Says:

Rita – That’s right, we did it all ourselves and were rather impressed with the results. I’m amazed at the sound quality from a $30 microphone.

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