Sunday, January 4th 2009
Prude Tube
Posted by Johnny
This weekend a reader informed me that my cooking video featured at Unzipped Blog had been pulled from You Tube for violating of their terms of service. Just when you thought Google could make everything better this had to go and happen. Thankfully I own my own web site and don’t require the convenience of You Tube. Enjoy!
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Such fuss over one little butt…
Great job with this! The overhead mirror shot, the gratuitous “forgetting” of the fig’s name. It works like a charm.
I always knew you could be a hot, gay Martha!
- Jim
Well, it is one butt worth making a fuss over, but this is ridiculous nonetheless.
Does this mean we can forget about the video for the “Hot Buns w/ Cherry On Top” recipe? Or the “Juicy Italian Pork Sausage in Creamy White Crab Sauce”? Darn. At this rate we’ll never get anything done with frog’s legs.
(Frog — you are a true writing genius!)
Johnny, you just might have found your nitch!
You appear far more comfortable here than in your music video. In fact, if it weren’t for the nudity, you could probably send this tape in as a demo for The Food Channel — you express knowledge, talent and presence.
Isn’t he though. Thanks for the support guys and girls
;we will definitely be making a habit of this. Pants off to BW, his camera work and insight make this project what it is!
by the way, speaking about YouTube, I have just run into a very interesting video of Johnny testing his knowledge about ABSOLUTELY FABUOLOUS series, one of my favourite comedies ever. Oh God, I definitely want to become a friend of you Johnny and watch them together, darling… I adore AbFab! Have a great Sunday. Hugs, ANT