Monday, January 9th 2006
AVN Again
Back from Vegas. This was my 3rd yr attending the AVN conference. It is a porn convention, complete with everything from Thug Rapper Lil’ Kim looking girls to Clown Porn, yes clown porn. Imagine a girl getting rammed from behind wearing blue pig tails in full clown face make up. The big dicked stud has Ronald McDonald shoes on, the big ass red ones. He also has the clown make up on. I must say I made a special visit to this booth, they were next to us last year and I just couldn’t resist going over every so often to take a gander….it’s so great!

We spent from Wed night to Sun eve in the town of debauchery. I stayed with 12 other people in a house that was very reminiscent of Boogie Nights. It reminded me of MTV’s The Real World. I know these people, they are the PA’s to the owners who were also there. Chi Chi was there, Tyler Riggs, yum!!!, Luca Dicorso, and our newbie boy Benjamin Bradley. Our make up guy, Doug Jeffries, my event manager Rob and our tech guy Tony. It was really cool to see everybody interact in such an unfamiliar and forceful way, a psychologist’s wet dream.

As models, all we have to do is to sign autographs a couple of hours a day and enjoy ourselves. Not too hard. It is a little strange to sit right below a 12ft high poster of myself, with my movie playing on a loop next to the signing table and a rack of dildos cast from my cock. Then to be on the cover of OUT VEGAS, plus the cover of GAYVN Magazine, well I began to get a bit sick of my mug. But I must say being on the cover of the first stand-alone GAYVN was pretty cool. An honor for sure - especially as it coincided with the freakin’ Super Bowl of porn conventions.
Now back to some degree of normalcy. For the past 2 or so weeks since I went home to Cleveland, my diet has been severely fucked with, sleep schedule altered and I’ve had enough alcohol to last me another 6 mos. This past couple weeks has been a non-stop booze fest. Beer and wine was the staple beverage in Ohio, however, Vegas was Skyy, lots of Skyy….free Skyy. We went out to the Cybersocket awards on Thursday where it was open bar all night. Friday was Channel 1’s party at Gipsy and Saturday Krave gave me and the boys a free table with bottle service. Come Sunday I was looking forward to getting home and drying out. I had my favorite breakfast today of broccoli florets, sprouted wheat toast w/ peanut butter and honey and an apple. Things are back to normal. My kind of normal.