Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Wednesday, May 21st 2008

Deeper Into You (Remix) Now Available

Posted by Johnny
Solar City Remix

Today the Solar City Remix of Deeper Into You was made available to the world on iTunes. Recently Boy Wonder wrapped up the re-edit of the video for the original version, but hasn’t yet taken the time to do anything with it. *hint* Members of Hazzard Central will be the first to get a peek and then Hazzard Ahead readers will get a chance a week or so later. Don’t get too excited – this version isn’t all that different from the original we featured here nearly TWO YEARS AGO. Ahem.

At some point we plan to make another video for the remix. Based on our past performance I hesitate to make an estimations or promises on that project. Just know that we have thought about it and might even act on those thoughts at some point. In the meantime, have another look at this video we shot when Chi Chi played this remix at the 2007 White Party in Palm Springs.

7 Comments for this post

nurse vein Says:

Wow Chi Chi (my hero) and Johnny in one video. I’m in heaven. Thank you Boy Wonder and can’t wait to see ‘Deeper Into You’ remix on HazzardCentral. Chi Chi loved the go-go boots and outfit Haute Couture! Johnny you sure can dance. How do I get one of those White Parties? Big hugs – Nurse Vein

the frog Says:

Aaah, great to see the Lady & the Tramp video again! I never tire of that one. Can that little hippie shake his ass or what? If that’s the Solar remix you’re planning to make a video of, you really need to find a way to feature Johnny’s briefs AND Chi Chi’s hair. And I don’t mean both on the same person. Please.

Genor Says:


There is no better way to describe how I feel watching this clip than to actually quote the very lyrics of the song: “just the very sight of you gives me a UMM, eurphoric high… my heart starts racing, my hands start sweatin’… as I fall deeper, deeper into you.” Watching you shake you ass is some of the best entertainment I’ve ever witnessed. I get such a joy watching you interact with ChiChi. I’m curious if you get the same feelings watching this clip? I sincerely hope someday I earn the right to shake your hand and call you friend. Genor

Genor Says:

PS Is there a way someone could get one of those ChiChi posters in the background? Please please please say yes.

Nederstreet Says:

Wow. Just watching that made me feel like I was going to break a hip…

Christina_in_VA Says:

Hello Johnny & Boy Wonder: What a groove! I got it on iTunes. So a little while ago, I saw “In Bed With,” because of I’ve been a fan of Mr. Jason Ridge over at HHE for a couple of years, and I’m watching a scene and all of a sudden I said, “Who is this little rascal named Mr. Johnny Hazzard?” So my friends think I’m an idiot for not having watched anything by Johnny in the years that I’ve been a fan of gay porn. How did I miss you? I must turn in my PFLAG membership. But, ohhh, Johnny, you are a Renaissance man, and a new favorite. Lovely work!

gcracker Says:

A) Love the remix!! I have always loved that song. I should probably invest in getting it at some point, instead of just listening to it on here once in a blue moon… (This is the slow and painful process most songs go through to get on my computer. I mean, I *just* got “Just the Girl” by the Click Five on here. That’s from at least four years ago. :P )

B) Love the dance moves, as always. I wish I could move like that!

C) This is probably not shocking to anyone, but Johnny’s a sexy sexy man. Just throwin’ it out there.

D) Chi Chi is my favorite. Fo’ real.

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