Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Thursday, May 15th 2008

How About A Nice, Hot Cuppa Shut The Fuck Up?!

Posted by Boy Wonder

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On this date last year I posted this video of Johnny on You Tube to promote his new membership web site. Today I’m posting it here to showcase some new video features available thanks to the wonderful Jeroen Wijering media player. We’ve been using his player for some time here on Hazzard Ahead, but I didn’t keep up with the new versions. Big mistake… Huge! This video is larger than usual to prove a point so give it a chance to load and then check out the full screen feature. Nice! As Johnny would say.

In other news, several weeks ago the aforementioned You Tube page was visited by a woman set on spreading her misery around. I was mildly amused by her raging stupidity until she chose to go whole hog ig’nunt bigot on my ass. The rate of escalation was truly startling – obviously based on something deeper than a silly video page comment section.

I invite you to take a moment and see what charming things she has to say. You won’t be disappointed.

Addendum: Justice is served! That hateful bitch has been banned from You Tube for life. Sometimes it is worthwhile to write a quick, thoughtful note. :-)

9 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

It’s almost beyond belief what great quality this video is — oh, and the subject matter ain’t so bad neither.

Of that nasty YouTube person — I have a very low tolerance for what Savage Love’s Dan Savage defines as “assholery-ness,” and so, could not read all of the rants, even though I very much wanted to read what I know would have been some intelligently crafted, brilliantly worded Boy Wonder slams. (Maybe I’ll get back to it after a couple Jamison shots!)


Boy Wonder Says:

Rita – I have big plans for video in Johnny’s future. This one is too fat, but with all that running water I couldn’t sacrifice quality for download time.

nurse vein Says:

Chi Chi, Boy Wonder, Johnny and all involved with making that video. BEAUTIFUL and astonishing -Feature film material. Of course I watched ‘Estate X’ at hazzardcentral.com but this was even better.

I just read an article about Chi Chi here.

Johnny may be my dream boat man, but Chi Chi is my hero. I only hope that one day I’ll get to meet Chi Chi. I read somewhere Chi Chi has a nightclub called Dirty Deeds? Is this true? If so I’ll have find a way to hang out there.

BW -as for that demented women and her comments on YouTube -she need needs a firecracker up her nasty p***y and I’ll be happy to light it! Hugs from Nurse Vein

Messire Loup Says:

That female — sorry, I can’t call that a woman — is suffering from a severe psychotic breakdown, probably due to lack of intimacy. As she says herself, she can’t find a decent man and has been forced celibate for over a year.

Apparently you’re not the only target. I’ve found her verbal diarrhea on several other videos.

As for the video, I feel it’s wonderful. Johnny has one of the most beautiful smiles I know of, and boyish looks I find cruelly tempting. As I’ve said before, there is about him that high-class, warm glow such stars as Cary Grant, Gary Cooper or Rock Hudson had. He’s a natural, period.

I would have no hesitation introducing him to my parents (Hey, lemme dream a bit!).

Much love from France!

Boy Wonder Says:

Nurse -

The Dirty Deeds event at Fubar is over as far as I know. Don’t fret, there are plenty of opportunities to see the fabulous porn diva in action. Besides, Dirty Deeds was notoriously loud and a poor opportunity for conversation on any level.

the frog Says:

The wonderful Jeroen Wijering media player is definetely too heavy for my not-so-wonderful-6-years-old computer. Guess that’s what you get for not keeping up with the Johnnies :(

Oh and I know exactly what that demented youtube shrew needs, aside from a jacket that ties nicely up the back. And it’s not the Real Thing either, since there’s no chance in hell she’s ever coming within 5 foot 6 of it. Then again, that’s probably the root of her constant meltdown. “So I’ll remove the cause… he he he… BUT NOT THE SYMPTOM!”

the frog Says:

Forgot to congratulate you on the new improved Hazzard Ahead,, Boy W. Smart, streamlined, elegant. Absolutely the statement we want to make here at Jeremy’s.

Pats the Frog (wishing there was a nicotine drip-feed somewhere.)

Boy Wonder Says:

Thanks, Frog. Just think how great it would be if I would ever finish the damn thing. I always stop when it’s “good enough” to pass.

the frog Says:

Thanks to my favorite Internet Fairy, I can now see the video in all its glory ;-) And is it ever glorious! No wonder that untamed shrew lost it. It’s like The Blue Lagoon with a better cast. No, wait, like The Virgin Suicides without a suicide or a virgin. Oh, how about Pan’s Labyrinth without the Labyrinth but with a really hot Pan? Or, perhaps… [and on and on]

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