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Archive for the 'Photos' Category

Destiny Knocks Twice

Posted by Johnny on Thursday, April 27th, 2006

Last night I returned to the scene of the media trauma that is American Idol. Not because I am a masochist, but because Kevin was going to attend by himself so I accompanied him. That’s how good of a friend I can be. Thinking the show would be an hour again I was all too pleased to learn that the assault on my senses would last a mere 30 minutes. It was then off to Moby’s for a night cap on draft.

My chanting paid off and I saw Oliver at the intersection this morning after breakfast. There were no whistles, fireworks or choral arrangements; just the two of us talking in front of a pay toilet. I felt good that I accomplished what I hadn’t the day before.

It was really warm today and my reptilian senses were in full effect. Everybody seemed so happy with such strong sunlight basking the city today. I felt charged. I returned from the gym invigorated and confident. So confident that I decided to venture out with my camera and seek adventure. I didn’t get very far for two reasons. One, there is virtually no battery life on this guy. I spent about 10 minutes on the stoop outside Kevin’s back door getting this “Hello” shot, and getting a shot of the zig zags I had done yesterday.

The Zig Zag Hair

By then the menacing battery icon was back to taunt me. I had to go in and recharge. The second reason that I did not make it very far is very closely tied in with reason one. When my new favorite song “Spellbound” by Sherrie Lea came on over the iPod I had an idea that I think everybody is going to enjoy. I imagine Boy Wonder will be especially happy with my effort. He didn’t even have to hassle me. It’s like extra credit! Unfortunately, you will have to wait until next week to see the product of my inspiration. Even more reason to stop by.

The Hazzardous Home Front

Posted by Boy Wonder on Thursday, April 27th, 2006

Fridge or Oracle?

Johnny is very particular about his surroundings. I visited his place for the first time ever this month. He has been a nomad for so long that I had never been to his “home” in all the time we’ve known each other. Only recently I’ve discovered he likes to overdecorate and customize the hell out of everything he owns. He always seemed so minimalist to me. I imagined him in a space with clean lines and cleared surfaces. Not the case at all. Just look at his fridge! It’s madness! When I saw this lot I told Johnny that everything in his life is like an essay waiting to be read. You could spend twenty minutes absorbing all the information on that appliance.

Johnny’s condo is, for the most part, prepped for resale and bereft of personality. That kills him! So anything he can go Tijuana on, he does. There is a veritable shrine around the stereo and just wait till you see Milo’s interior. It’s like a Turkish taxicab crossed with a Staten Island nightclub. It really isn’t safe. There are so many little statues and about $40 worth of change that he would certainly be hammered with shrapnel in any impact. Great, now I sound like a worried grandmother! And I guess I kind of am.

By the way, that photo was taken while Johnny was recording his very first audio blog. He’ll be doing more. SOON.

Just Because I’m Naked Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Shy

Posted by Johnny on Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

I stepped outside to what was, in my opinion, the first real sunny day since I arrived. I wanted nothing more to sit in the middle of a field on a rock and sun myself like a gecko. I feel like I am a reptile like that when I am here. I search out the sun and absorb as much as possible before it disappears behind the fog and hills. I had every intention of taking some photos of the hills and maybe some interesting people strolling through the Castro, but as soon as I retrieved the camera and powered the bugger on a red battery icon appeared. I have not read the directions yet, but with what little knowledge I have I could tell things weren’t looking so hot. I was able to get this picture before the f%^$#er crapped out. It is at the top of 23rd St. at Noe in Noe Valley. Kevin lives round the block. I am convinced that somehow the power supply was tapped even though the device was instructed to be off. This camera and I will not be together long. I am in the market for something a little more pocket friendly and portable. I can barely fit this guy into my hand.

Moments of Sun

Lesson today: Life is too short to be shy. Two days ago I was walking down Market St. when out of nowhere this guy named Oliver popped in my head. I know Oliver from P’town and find him to be nearly flawless. There was nothing more to this thought than his face and an “Oh, I wonder how he is doing”. Today I was walking back from my haircut where I had new zig zags put in and who walked right by me? Oliver. Out of the freakin’ blue he was there. He looked as handsome as ever walking with another guy. I was so shocked that I could do nothing but say a genuine, “Hello” and keep walking. I KEPT WALKING!!! Fool! I must have looked SO rude.

At the corner of Castro and Market I kicked myself in the ass and turned around hoping to see him again. I didn’t. I couldn’t understand why my first instinct was to run away. I mean, I had this man in my thoughts out of nowhere, for no reason and I passed up the chance to find out what the universe was trying to tell me. It doesn’t really matter. The point is that I felt that there was something at work here and I ignored it… blantantly. I turned my back on it and walked away like a coward. The truth is that I was afraid to some degreee. Somebody once said to me FEAR stands for Fuck Everything And Run. Yup. That’s it!

I experience this sort of thing all the time. I ask about somebody to a friend and later on they call. I will call somebody and they will say enthusiastically “I was just thinking/talking about you”. I will think about somebody or something and there they are. In this case, 3000 miles away from home. My friend Sarah says it’s more like “tuning in” rather than some psychic intuition. Whatever it is, it’s really cool. However, I cannot remember being so upset at myself in a very long time. FEAR is not something I have a whole lot of believe me! Still, every so often it creeps up on me like a cold sore, uncontrollable and just when I think I have a grasp on it, it’s too late. There are 4 more days before the long journey East and I have a feeling that our paths will cross again. I’m chanting as we speak, darling.

Hot Couture

Posted by Johnny on Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

Official Bro

Now that I’ve relaxed some, I’ve started thinking more and more about the t-shirts I’ll be working on soon. One style will be slogan T’s made out of this really soft vintage-like material that I will “Hazzardize”. I’m going to start them in Cleveland. My mom has the space for the 180 shirts that are sitting in Milo’s cab taking up half the bed. The second style will be more polished and “dressy”. The shirts are from a designer named Raul in South Beach. He sought me out a year ago to see if I would model for his line. After some hesitation I agreed and made a great friend as well as a great contact. He will provide the shirts and those too will be “Hazzardized”. These are the coolest shirts I have seen in a while. They are made of material developed by Dupont. They breathe better than I do and being South Beach born, evaporate sweat in an instant. You can see his collection and some pretty hot pics of me on his site OfficialBro.com.

White Party Part II

Posted by Boy Wonder on Thursday, April 20th, 2006

While Johnny was off playing the meat in a very hot sandwich, I decided to spend Saturday night at Hunter’s - the local dance haunt. I met up with some old, old friends and had a smashing time while still managing to get a full night of rest back at my hotel.

Sunday morning was just as glorious as Saturday. After a very large breakfast, Johnny called to make our plans for the day. I was not in the mood for another pool party. To be honest, I was having a great time relaxing on my deck and listening to music all on my own. We decided to meet at the hotel and perhaps grab a bite to eat. Well, Mr. Hazzard was not paying attention to his phone and missed my text messages. I had been sitting in the lobby for thirty minutes waiting for him to show and was starting to get looks. Fine, I coughed up the dough and met Johnny at the predetermined location by the pool. Even though the Sunday pool parties are notoriously tame for obvious reasons, I didn’t mind one bit as I was able to lean back and enjoy the view of Johnny’s rockin’ ass in ultra small shorts!

Behold Johnny's Rockin' Ass!

We didn’t stay for long. We were both feeling rather peckish and had things to do before the big party. Like… laundry and giving food to the poor…

Pale by Comparison

No, I am not an albino. Johnny tans very easily. He could get color from a photocopier and I wear SPF 900 sunscreen.

Johnny and I rode to the Tea Dance together. As expected, he had the inside on some major parking. We were closer to the event than most of the staff. Anyway, we ran into some friends almost immediately and took to the dance floor.

Unaware of eminent disappointment

I wanted to ride the Ferris wheel, but Johnny refused for one reason or another. I’ll have to ask about that later. When we took a break from dancing Johnny sweet talked someone important into giving me a wristband for the VIP area. Seriously, that boy can make just about anything happen. He’s a little spoiled that way. I don’t mind. The remainder of this story played out in the VIP area where we watched the party deteriorate from a distance. More to come soon!

The Scene of the Crime

Johnny in Repose
Dreaming Big
Johnny Reflects
Hazzard Ahead