Destiny Knocks Twice
Posted by Johnny on Thursday, April 27th, 2006Last night I returned to the scene of the media trauma that is American Idol. Not because I am a masochist, but because Kevin was going to attend by himself so I accompanied him. That’s how good of a friend I can be. Thinking the show would be an hour again I was all too pleased to learn that the assault on my senses would last a mere 30 minutes. It was then off to Moby’s for a night cap on draft.
My chanting paid off and I saw Oliver at the intersection this morning after breakfast. There were no whistles, fireworks or choral arrangements; just the two of us talking in front of a pay toilet. I felt good that I accomplished what I hadn’t the day before.
It was really warm today and my reptilian senses were in full effect. Everybody seemed so happy with such strong sunlight basking the city today. I felt charged. I returned from the gym invigorated and confident. So confident that I decided to venture out with my camera and seek adventure. I didn’t get very far for two reasons. One, there is virtually no battery life on this guy. I spent about 10 minutes on the stoop outside Kevin’s back door getting this “Hello” shot, and getting a shot of the zig zags I had done yesterday.

By then the menacing battery icon was back to taunt me. I had to go in and recharge. The second reason that I did not make it very far is very closely tied in with reason one. When my new favorite song “Spellbound” by Sherrie Lea came on over the iPod I had an idea that I think everybody is going to enjoy. I imagine Boy Wonder will be especially happy with my effort. He didn’t even have to hassle me. It’s like extra credit! Unfortunately, you will have to wait until next week to see the product of my inspiration. Even more reason to stop by.