Thursday, April 27th 2006
The Hazzardous Home Front

Johnny is very particular about his surroundings. I visited his place for the first time ever this month. He has been a nomad for so long that I had never been to his “home” in all the time we’ve known each other. Only recently I’ve discovered he likes to overdecorate and customize the hell out of everything he owns. He always seemed so minimalist to me. I imagined him in a space with clean lines and cleared surfaces. Not the case at all. Just look at his fridge! It’s madness! When I saw this lot I told Johnny that everything in his life is like an essay waiting to be read. You could spend twenty minutes absorbing all the information on that appliance.
Johnny’s condo is, for the most part, prepped for resale and bereft of personality. That kills him! So anything he can go Tijuana on, he does. There is a veritable shrine around the stereo and just wait till you see Milo’s interior. It’s like a Turkish taxicab crossed with a Staten Island nightclub. It really isn’t safe. There are so many little statues and about $40 worth of change that he would certainly be hammered with shrapnel in any impact. Great, now I sound like a worried grandmother! And I guess I kind of am.
By the way, that photo was taken while Johnny was recording his very first audio blog. He’ll be doing more. SOON.