Hot Couture

Now that I’ve relaxed some, I’ve started thinking more and more about the t-shirts I’ll be working on soon. One style will be slogan T’s made out of this really soft vintage-like material that I will “Hazzardize”. I’m going to start them in Cleveland. My mom has the space for the 180 shirts that are sitting in Milo’s cab taking up half the bed. The second style will be more polished and “dressy”. The shirts are from a designer named Raul in South Beach. He sought me out a year ago to see if I would model for his line. After some hesitation I agreed and made a great friend as well as a great contact. He will provide the shirts and those too will be “Hazzardized”. These are the coolest shirts I have seen in a while. They are made of material developed by Dupont. They breathe better than I do and being South Beach born, evaporate sweat in an instant. You can see his collection and some pretty hot pics of me on his site