Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, August 29th 2006

From Beer To Shrimp To Wine

Posted by Johnny

I went back to Ross’ for dinner with Shayna. I love seeing people that I went to high school with or even knew back then for that matter. I have changed remarkably, physically and emotionally. Most of the time, so have they, hopefully. It was an awesome time getting to know each other again and playing the “remember when” game over a nice bottle of Côtes du Rhône.

I gave my friends over at Ruff Ryders a dozen of those shirts I had in Chicago for IML (Remember those? All 180 of them? I do.) after I had them redone. I had a girl stitch a dozen according to size standard and gave them over on commission. Well what do you know - they sold all but 3! I took the remaining three, one for Shayna, one for a buddy and one for me to wear during Fashion Week. I was all too excited. Soon enough I will be getting the remaining 100 or so as well as the debut designs that are at the screen printers. I have only a couple so hopefully they will go fast. So all of you out there that have been kindly asking about the shits… they are comin’!

I had to return to the city for my workout session at 11 today. I contemplated canceling on my partner, but decided to tough it out and go. I also had a wine tasting at 3:30. The thought of that was enough to send me over the edge. The weather remained unchanged. It was not helping my hangover in the slightest. I had a bagel and a coffee in the hopes of feeling a little better to no avail; it did nothing but further irritate my stomach. Thank god I had my buddy to work out with, because left to my own devices I would have driven straight home to bed. Funny enough, that is exactly where I went as soon as we were finished to catch a nap before the tasting.

The tasting featured a pretty good Tokay Pinot Gris, a domestic Sauvignon Blanc and one of my personal faves: St. Joseph. After the St. Joseph my hangover was a thing of the past and I met a friend downtown for a bottle of Rioja and French Onion soup. I managed to remember to snap a couple of pics after Shayna and I had just learned that I sold my first dozen of “Team Hazzard Wear” T shirts.

Shayna with Team Hazzard Shirts

Monday, August 28th 2006

Synopsis - Two Minutes

Posted by Johnny

A friend of mine from high school happened to be in Hyannis for work today so I gave away my shift to go down to P’town for the day. I drove down in very unseasonal weather; it was grey and had that subtle chill in the air one would expect to feel in November, not mid August. After seeing the environmental wake-up flick by Al Gore, “An Inconvenient Truth”, I realized that this was probably another sign of global warming, but I tried not to get angry about that.

I had lunch with my good buddy/ partner-in-crime David Flower. David is a DJ, Producer and party planner extraordinaire. We had beer and seafood at Ross’ Grill, my go-to place in P’town and probably where I will take my high school chum, Shayna, when she gets here tonight.

So we’re throwing a contest, huh? I just found out. I like the idea, although I am not sure if anybody really knows how to say in some sort of recordable media why they like being a fan? It will be interesting to see and I think that the “winner” will get a prize. I am really close to having the shirts up; perhaps they could have one of each of the designs?

Speaking of just recent developments, I am walking for Heatherette during Fashion Week 2006. I met Richie, one of the designers, when I worked the Boy George show last year. At that time they were a little more than an idea, but now have staked out a real place in the fashion world. I am thrilled to do this and it also adds one more contact to my list of design “ins”.

I’m almost out of time. I just needed to post something and I had wireless so I thought I’d get it in while I had the chance. I am getting really acquainted with my new camera, even though I enroll others to take the shots. Here is my pal David with me after 3 Chimays.

David Flower

Saturday, August 26th 2006

Hazzard Ahead Video Contest

Posted by Boy Wonder

It's So Easy!

Hey kids, have you ever wanted to be in pictures? Well, here’s your chance - sort of. With all the buzz about You Tube and other tubes we* thought it would be fun to have our own video showdown here on Hazzard Ahead. Truth be known we’re more likely to eat grocery store sushi than participate in any pop trend, but this is different. We love participation from our readers and what better way to express yourself than through streaming video?

Here’s the deal: Create a video featuring yourself and perhaps a few of your closest buds describing what it is that makes you a fan of Johnny Hazzard and/or his blog. You can do it through modern dance, a Shakespearean adaptation or even a sock puppet show. We encourage creativity so by all means shoot your video while coming down from a dangerous encounter with toxic cleaning chemical fumes! Submissions must be safe for all audiences or they cannot be displayed on this site**! Remember, Hazzard Ahead is for everyone (with an open mind, a big heart and a great sense of humor).

Please limit entries to three minutes in duration. Video files may be submitted in avi, mov or about any video format available using one of the following methods:

  1. The fabulous online file transport service You Send It allows you to send files up to 1GB with a FREE account (but now it costs $2.99 for files larger than 100MB. It WAS free when I wrote this!). Send files to boywonder at hazzardxxx dot com.
  2. You may send a data CD to me personally if your internet connection shrieks at the prospect of a major upload. The address is Jerrod Olson 311 N Robertson Blvd #497 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

We will post our favorite videos here on the site. Of course, we can’t be sure anyone will even give a damn and submit, but you can be certain there will be no shortage of video here in any case. Yes, that’s right, the “prize” is publicity and the chance to appear here along side one of gay porn’s greats. OK, fine, maybe I’ll get Johnny to send a free vid or signed photo or something. I’m not making promises!

*Johnny doesn’t even know about this yet. I’m just really drunk on top of a massive Little Debbie’s sugar high and I can’t control myself.

** Videos deemed inappropriate for Hazzard Ahead viewers may be awarded with alternate recognition.

Thursday, August 17th 2006

To Stir Or To Shake…

Posted by Boy Wonder

While mixing my morning protein shake at the office with my Skyy Vodka 1920s replica cocktail shaker I suddenly remembered something. Johnny revealed to me that he is of the stir school of cocktail mixing and I was so stunned to discover this fact. Really? Just when I was about to add a sarcastic quip about bruising the gin he beat me to the punch - except he was serious.

Now I’m all about doing things the right way and all and I’m sure there’s something to this whole stirring concept; however, shaking that cocktail maker not only feels good, it’s quick, easy and with minimal utensils and implements to clean up after. Am I an efficiency fanatic or just plain lazy? Does it make a difference?

Clearly I need to finish breakfast before attempting an entry here.

I love that shaker!

Wednesday, August 16th 2006

Stars Hollow

Posted by Boy Wonder

I can’t believe I forgot to post this. When Johnny first arrived in LA I scheduled a lunch with our mutual buddy, Michelle, at the Warner Brothers lot. Michelle hadn’t seen Johnny in ages and I thought it would be nice to have a meal together at the commissary.

Yeah, right! All I cared about was visiting the set of Gilmore Girls! Johnny had never heard of the show, much less seen an episode, but I dragged him along anyway and squealed with delight like a twelve-year-old girl. It was all there. Luke’s Diner, Doose’s Market, the gazebo, the church - all just as I had seen for so many years. What a fucking loser! I hate looking like a tourist, but in this case I took no issue with whipping out the camera for a few shots.

Stars Hollow

How I love it when Johnny indulges me! He does it quite often, you know.
