Saturday, August 26th 2006
Hazzard Ahead Video Contest

Hey kids, have you ever wanted to be in pictures? Well, here’s your chance – sort of. With all the buzz about You Tube and other tubes we* thought it would be fun to have our own video showdown here on Hazzard Ahead. Truth be known we’re more likely to eat grocery store sushi than participate in any pop trend, but this is different. We love participation from our readers and what better way to express yourself than through streaming video?
Here’s the deal: Create a video featuring yourself and perhaps a few of your closest buds describing what it is that makes you a fan of Johnny Hazzard and/or his blog. You can do it through modern dance, a Shakespearean adaptation or even a sock puppet show. We encourage creativity so by all means shoot your video while coming down from a dangerous encounter with toxic cleaning chemical fumes! Submissions must be safe for all audiences or they cannot be displayed on this site**! Remember, Hazzard Ahead is for everyone (with an open mind, a big heart and a great sense of humor).
Please limit entries to three minutes in duration. Video files may be submitted in avi, mov or about any video format available using one of the following methods:
- The fabulous online file transport service You Send It allows you to send files up to 1GB with a FREE account (but now it costs $2.99 for files larger than 100MB. It WAS free when I wrote this!). Send files to boywonder at hazzardxxx dot com.
- You may send a data CD to me personally if your internet connection shrieks at the prospect of a major upload. The address is Jerrod Olson 311 N Robertson Blvd #497 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
We will post our favorite videos here on the site. Of course, we can’t be sure anyone will even give a damn and submit, but you can be certain there will be no shortage of video here in any case. Yes, that’s right, the “prize” is publicity and the chance to appear here along side one of gay porn’s greats. OK, fine, maybe I’ll get Johnny to send a free vid or signed photo or something. I’m not making promises!
*Johnny doesn’t even know about this yet. I’m just really drunk on top of a massive Little Debbie’s sugar high and I can’t control myself.
** Videos deemed inappropriate for Hazzard Ahead viewers may be awarded with alternate recognition.
What’s the budget? Would this be SAG/Non-SAG? Is AFTRA okay?
Boy Wonder,
Fabulous (I did not just use that word, did I?) idea, but I have to pass on it for now. I currently have no way of getting anything streaming onto my computer (especially considering its aversion to watersports). Plus, I would ultimately be fearful of getting ripped a new one by Joel McHale on The Soup. Perhaps Jack Daniels and I will accept your challenge a little later. Maybe you will even find me on PornoTube. After all, hot dogs are not just for eating (inquire further if you dare).
Boy Wonder,
Where have those glasses been all your life? Very sexy I must say. Johnny is also looking mighty spiffy in that sleeveless blue number.
Johnny could have told us that Rita is really Wendy Finerman.
LIT – The glasses belong to my day look. Normally I would bother with my contacts when going out, but in this case I had no notice whatsoever.
Indeed Frog … you found me out!
We’ll see if I can’t get the TDWP diva herself Meryl Streep to make a special cameo!
memo to Rita, I mean, Wendy:
Don’t forget to remind Tom Ford that for his scene with Johnny, he MUST lose the condoms with the CK logo. I don’t care if he got 50 cartons of them as part of his severance package. And what do you mean we can’t have Tom Cruise inside Johnny’s closet? The guy’s 4 foot 5 or something for chrissake!
memo 2 to Wendyrita:
Who’s the cute guy with the glasses in the pic with Johnny? Sexy as hell. Arrange an audition pronto.