Monday, August 28th 2006
Synopsis – Two Minutes
A friend of mine from high school happened to be in Hyannis for work today so I gave away my shift to go down to P’town for the day. I drove down in very unseasonal weather; it was grey and had that subtle chill in the air one would expect to feel in November, not mid August. After seeing the environmental wake-up flick by Al Gore, “An Inconvenient Truth”, I realized that this was probably another sign of global warming, but I tried not to get angry about that.
I had lunch with my good buddy/ partner-in-crime David Flower. David is a DJ, Producer and party planner extraordinaire. We had beer and seafood at Ross’ Grill, my go-to place in P’town and probably where I will take my high school chum, Shayna, when she gets here tonight.
So we’re throwing a contest, huh? I just found out. I like the idea, although I am not sure if anybody really knows how to say in some sort of recordable media why they like being a fan? It will be interesting to see and I think that the “winner” will get a prize. I am really close to having the shirts up; perhaps they could have one of each of the designs?
Speaking of just recent developments, I am walking for Heatherette during Fashion Week 2006. I met Richie, one of the designers, when I worked the Boy George show last year. At that time they were a little more than an idea, but now have staked out a real place in the fashion world. I am thrilled to do this and it also adds one more contact to my list of design “ins”.
I’m almost out of time. I just needed to post something and I had wireless so I thought I’d get it in while I had the chance. I am getting really acquainted with my new camera, even though I enroll others to take the shots. Here is my pal David with me after 3 Chimays.

Johnny, I thought an adequate prize package for the video contest would consist of a date with Jason Crew (although he is apparently only “40%” gay), a French Polynesian island, and a monkey. However, the t-shirts will do just nicely!