Wednesday, October 18th 2006
How To Date Johnny Hazzard
After a week-long date with Scott that literally spanned the continent, I was off free time and had to start “working.” I must say that the week was incredibly nice. Scott is an adventurous guy with impeccable social skills. Every time we went into a store he would engage the sales person in some sort of dialogue leaving them smiling and completely wooed by Scott’s charm. He took me camping in Joshua Tree, complete with dinner and a moonlit hike up through a massive wall of rock to the top where we sat in a large depression that resembled a bowl. We curled up under the blanket, got high and watched the stars and satellites make their way around us.

I absolutely love to camp; especially with somebody that has all the right equipment and knows how to use it (the camping gear, too). Scott created two marinades, grilled vegetables and chicken breasts all to perfection on an uneven fire on the ground. The meal was completed with s’mores, real bona fide s’mores. It beat any chocolate mousse or souffle that I have had hands down. To amaze me even more he wrapped a loaf of French bread in foil, toasted it as if it had come out of a toaster oven with a timer rigged to his brain. So Cool!
The next morning we finished the bread off with some eggs and strong coffee all prepared over a small flame coming from a little camp burner. I cannot recall the last time somebody cooked for me, it was most enjoyable, 10 points – out of eight.
And Johnny wonders why people get intimidated at the mere thought of dating him…
. Glad you had such a great time. Keep that bar high!
The phrase “got high” conjures up a certain meaning in my mind. However, I am hoping this phrase has an entirely different translation within “Johnny bonics”. After all, Boy Wonder made it clear words such as “beau” and “dating” have their own set of meanings to Johnny. If not, I’m telling his mother on him!!!
I look at the situation quite simply. There are many individuals within our ranks whom are psychologically disturbed. Many of these individuals would sacrifice almost anything to have a clear head and feel normal. Yet, some perfectly normal people feel the need to become chemically altered despite being lucky enough to feel grounded. Personally, this is why I abstain from any kind of substance and why I never get drunk. Food for thought; I was not trying to offend anyone. My rant/scolding episode has passed. I wish you and Scott all the luck in the world!
LIT – That’s quite a can of worms you opened up there.
I’ll overlook that for the moment and address your question. That phrase is intentionally ambiguous so the reader can take from it whatever he/she wishes. Ha ha ha, what a crock! I mean, take it to mean whatever you like.
Flashes of “Brokeback Mountain” — just warms the heart.
And, what a wonderful new picture — handsome devil!
Boy Wonder, I really was not trying to offend anyone with my previous comment. I can become defensive when narcotics are mentioned under undisclosed circumstances. Illicit substances have destroyed the lives of some of my family members. As a consequence, if someone even mentions using drugs I feel the need to disclose my displeasure. However, I will choose to believe Mr. Hazzard was joking. After all, he is an incredibly intelligent man.
(Notice my unwarranted rant has occurred while Johnny is on the other side of the Atlantic. He will never know the drama that unfolded!)
LIT – No offense taken. I am not always happy with the choices my friends make – and let’s face it, I am not the most sound decision maker either; however, I most often trust them in their judgment. That’s one of the many benefits of having high quality people in my life.
LIT – I was speaking in the literal term…. I SMOKE POT. I do it beacuse I want to, not to escape or hide from some internal or external discomfort. As far as “telling” Ma Hazzard goes, no one likes a tattle tale and there is no need, that remarkable woman who is my Mother knows everything.
I hope your comment that “some perfectly normal people feel the need to become chemically altered” is not a general statement. I choose to enhance my experiences much like a glass of Brouilly will enhance a Lamb Shank.
I am sorry for your experiences within your family and appreciate your concern and your feelings; however, that was then and there and I hope that my disclosure of recreational activities is not associated with your unfortunate memories.
In conclusion, I appreciate all of your thoughts here and find you to be very informative, entertaining and on the whole, a valuable contributor to Hazzard Ahead!
Take care. J
Johnny, I hope you are having a blast in South Africa. Before I offer my closing thoughts, I just want to say we will have to agree to disagree. In my book this is perfectly fine. Look no further than where I live. Being gay in Appalachia is like an uphill battle on a conveyor belt going the wrong direction!!! I may argue with great conviction (and scientifically supported evidence) that being gay is normal but the overwhelming majority of my neighbors will never agree. In fact, many of my so-called “Christian neighbors” would probably be pleased to turn on the local news and hear I was strung from a tree.
Now on to the marijuana. First of all, marijuana is often erroneously thought of as a harmless substance. I will back this up through biochemistry upon request. As a consequence, my posts were not intended to be personal attacks, but rather legitimate concerns about your health. Finally, purchasing marijuana (or any other illegal substance for that matter) of unknown pedigree can inadvertently fuel street gang activity. After all, drugs are often the bread and butter for criminal organizations. The previous sentence was meant to be interpreted as general and nondescript. I was not attempting to place you within this caliber so please do not become defensive.
I do feel I owe you an apology. My previous posts did sound insulting, but that was not my intention. Unfortunately, instantaneous recovery is impossible after saying the wrong thing through an electronic medium. Johnny, you are a stand up guy. My opinion of marijuana may be unwavering, but so is the respect I have for you.
no mind.
My concern is that my man never let our plants frrm the balcony live happily to their end, for he smokes them… so I put Roses this year.
) Smoking pot is harmless and often funny to me as anything else in reasonable quantities… what about all gases left over by carburants? They kill for sure but are still legal.
as late as I am, I have to agree with lost in tennessee’s colorfully stated words, sometimes it can be lonely being gay and choosing not to smoke or drink. I feel strongly about it and it hurts me when other people I care about smoke etc. I won’t make you all listen to why. However I can tell you although i can’t speak for lost in tennesse, personally I wouldn’t bother telling someone unless I cared.
Duly noted.