Saturday, October 21st 2006
Posted by Johnny
Tuesday (10/10) I had two photo shoots back to back at one of my boss’ house… in his bedroom, in his bed! You gotta love that. It was revealed to me later that they were going to be the box covers for two movies that I will be in very soon. Rascal Video’s In His Dreams with Trent Atkins directed by the boss lady, Chi Chi LaRue. The second is titled Johnny Hazzard Feeds the Need, it has Adam Faust with me under the supreme direction of All Worlds director Doug Jeffries.
The head of the Channel 1 graphics department was on the set of the shoot and I was a bit confused. I have never seen him on any set before. It either meant that he was bored and wanted to be social or he wanted to make sure that the photos come out a certain way. I have done sooooo many of these that it’s no surprise they would want something fresh eventually. The vibe was glam - not a stretch for me. He wanted more shots that would be universal. I was in my element. I don’t have to worry about keeping my dick up and I get to lounge around on designer sheets the whole time. I was done with both shoots in just under 2.5 hours. They don’t call me crew favorite for nothing.

About my scene with Trent Atkins - talk about stunning eyes, his lashes and color are so incredible they ought to be insured by Lloyd’s of London. Our set was yet again a bed. This is so great. No saw horses to balance on, no chains to be suspended from and no tricky props to trip and scrape our knees on. We did a fine job, doing exactly what boss lady wanted before she had to tell us. Three hours from make-up to money shot. The Japanese could take lessons.
Filed in Behind-The-Scenes, Photos, Porn | No Comments »
Wednesday, October 18th 2006
Posted by Johnny
After a week-long date with Scott that literally spanned the continent, I was off free time and had to start “working.” I must say that the week was incredibly nice. Scott is an adventurous guy with impeccable social skills. Every time we went into a store he would engage the sales person in some sort of dialogue leaving them smiling and completely wooed by Scott’s charm. He took me camping in Joshua Tree, complete with dinner and a moonlit hike up through a massive wall of rock to the top where we sat in a large depression that resembled a bowl. We curled up under the blanket, got high and watched the stars and satellites make their way around us.

I absolutely love to camp; especially with somebody that has all the right equipment and knows how to use it (the camping gear, too). Scott created two marinades, grilled vegetables and chicken breasts all to perfection on an uneven fire on the ground. The meal was completed with s’mores, real bona fide s’mores. It beat any chocolate mousse or souffle that I have had hands down. To amaze me even more he wrapped a loaf of French bread in foil, toasted it as if it had come out of a toaster oven with a timer rigged to his brain. So Cool!
The next morning we finished the bread off with some eggs and strong coffee all prepared over a small flame coming from a little camp burner. I cannot recall the last time somebody cooked for me, it was most enjoyable, 10 points - out of eight.
Filed in Anthropology, Lust, Crushes & Other Inconveniences, Photos | 12 Comments »
Thursday, October 12th 2006
Posted by Johnny
James Collins mentioned a few times that he was going to be featured in the November issue of Unzipped Magazine. Well, it arrived today and there he was on page eight!
That was impressive and then I flipped the page to find this:
When James said they were going to use a screen shot from the Spellbound video I did on You Tube, I never imagined it would be half a page! And get a load of that gratuitous plug for Hazzard Ahead! Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!
Filed in Friends, Hazzard Ahead, Photos, Publicity | 6 Comments »
Monday, October 2nd 2006
Posted by Johnny
Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! An hour after I arrived in Boston from Toronto I was packing up Milo and heading for P’town to give my place a stiff cleaning. I met someone when I was last in LA and he came out for a visit this weekend. Everything had to be in order.
I LLLLUUUUUHHHHHUUUVV my place here. Cleaning this place is so much fun when the sun is out. I open the windows, and every so often look out the window at the ships on the bay as the sun reflects and sparkles. As I moved into the kitchen I noticed that the pans beneath the burners on the stove had had it! I contemplated throwing out the blackened plates, then my crafty pack rat mentality kicked in and I thought of a perfect use for them.
Filed in Home & Garden, Media, Photos, Watch Johnny | 10 Comments »
Tuesday, September 26th 2006
Posted by Johnny
On Saturday I left Boston for Toronto to see James Collins. As many of you know, James is the writer of my favorite song Spellbound by Sherrie Lea. Who would have thought on that rainy San Fransisco day that my little dance and Boy Wonder’s good sense would lead to nearly 100, 000 You Tube views and meeting James, who would in turn be a great ally and friend to us both.
James has his own album out called “Messenger.” The songs God’s Great Banana Skin and Going Nowhere In A Hurry are my favorites and coincidentally, Banana Skin is climbing the Canadian charts. You can thank good talent, a good song and fierce determination from James himself for the success of both of them.
Check out the video for James’ song Do You Mind If We Talk About Bill ?
Do You Mind If We Talk About Bill? was insprired by the true story of a Canadian pop singer, from the 70’s, who had a sex change. Some of the photgraphs on the wall in the video are of actress Nina Arsenault documenting herself after surgery and throughout her sex change. We were thrilled that Nina offered pictures of herself going through the process.
Spending three days with James has given me insight into not only what he does for himself, but other people. He is always on and ready to make everybody around him excited for the project at hand. Being the quiet, reserved guy that I am it was quite exhausted just watching him. You can tell James is passionate about his work and if somebody is working with him that he believes in, well his energy is contagious.
In my book he is the host with the most. He was attentive and respectful offering his time and resources in a non-threatening free form manner. He was there with out being too smothering. I admire that in somebody SO much. My space is very important and anybody who respects that gets 3 stars in my book.
Did you know that Toronto is home to the world’s tallest free standing structure and the world’s longest street? We visited the CN Tower on Sunday, but the outside deck was closed due to winds. We were able to enjoy the glass floor inside that looked all the way down to the bottom of the tower. Standing on the floor was quite trippy, it gave me that weird feeling in the base of my gut and left me feeling a little apprehensive. Watching twenty toddlers stomping all over it did not help much either. James took some coaxing to get him to sit on the floor, but eventually he did, losing his lunch shortly thereafter, just kidding.
As I sat in Toronto’s airport contemplating the weekend I realized that I would not have a real weekend to myself for several weeks. Not that I ever do as I usually work, but in this case I would be out of town… again and again. That means time to get in a little luxury after my journey even if it that translates into cleaning out my place in P’town. More on that soon.
Filed in Friends, Media, Photos, Tunes & Grooves | 4 Comments »