Hazzardous Materials Guide

Unzipped And Fancy Free

Posted by Johnny

James Collins mentioned a few times that he was going to be featured in the November issue of Unzipped Magazine. Well, it arrived today and there he was on page eight!

James Collins in Unzipped

That was impressive and then I flipped the page to find this:

Spellbound Abounds

When James said they were going to use a screen shot from the Spellbound video I did on You Tube, I never imagined it would be half a page! And get a load of that gratuitous plug for Hazzard Ahead! Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!

6 Responses to “Unzipped And Fancy Free”

  1. aboro Says:

    Johnny, I am not surprised in the least that your Spellbound video was going to receive this kind of attention. That video brilliantly captures your good looks, your energy and the beauty of your natural syle of dancing — all in one.

    I wonder if you gave thought to merging Spellbound Take Two with Spellbound? Doing that would have shown you starting slow and easy and almost giving the viewer the impression that you are unsure of the energy or direction you want to put into the rest of your dancing. That impression goes out the window after just a few more seconds as you continue your dance. A sight to behold. Your merging the two videos would have made Spellbound even more outstanding than what it now is. Anyway, it is what it is and I as well as many others are appreciative of your giving us Spellbound in a way that could not have been done better by anyone else, man or women.

    I continue to wait patiently for your next one.

  2. djpimpadelic Says:

    Hey yall I also put the videos on our radio site www.stickysweetradio.net and made him one of the featured artists for October with his good friend David Flower. I love his videos - they’re awesome. I like them better than him naked LOL Cheers, all much love and hugs….

    Johnny we still waiting for your video of Scissor Sisters - I don’t feel like dancing woohooooo shine sparkle and dance

  3. Johnny Says:

    Hey Aboro I have a feeling that your patience is going to pay off rather soon.
    What up DJ Pimp. Thanks so much for featuring me, awfully sweet of you. When I get back from S Africa I am going to be looking into that track. Peace. J

  4. Lost in Tennessee Says:

    Jerrod, congratulations are in order for the Unzipped recognition! You are becoming famous in your own right. Pretty soon you will be a one name “wonder”, not unlike Cher but with a whole lot more Jerrod.

    In an indirectly relevant matter, does the November issue of Unzipped require an emergency trip to the newsstand (neglecting the Johnny factor, of course)?

  5. Boy Wonder Says:

    LIT - Unzipped just hit the news stands last week so you should have plenty of time. As far as the recognition, that video is ALL Johnny. All I did was jazz it up a bit. Moving Into Light; however, is mostly my doing. For that I take a lot of credit! :-)

  6. aboro Says:

    Johnny, thanks — though I still have not gotten tired of watching your Moving Into Light and Spellbound videos. Watching you dance is a narcotic. Wish I could describe in words why that is so. A large part of it is that your dancing is so natural, free flowing and rythmic. Your ability to combine all of these traits is a pleasure to watch and great in reducing tension.

    I appreciate your effort to make more dancing videos. Looking forward to and patiently waiting for your next one. Take care.

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