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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, November 21st 2006

Philadelphia Freedom

Posted by Johnny

This weekend I went to Philadelphia to see Scott, who was there for the week seeing his folks. He had an extra ticket to Cirque Du Solei “Delerium” and I thought this would be a great way to forget about the previous week and have some fun.

Carpenter's Hall

Scott took me on a history rich tour of the city starting with Carpenter’s Hall where the First Continental Congress met in 1774. I must say to be in the same room in front of the same chairs and under the same roof where all of this started was wild.

The First Courtroom

Next it was on to Independence Hall where we saw the first courtroom and saw why people “stood trial”. From there we were taken to the room where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Again, to be in the space where revolutionaries first snubbed an oppressive Great Britain was moving. The concept of “taxation without representation” was but a distant memory from some long lost history class for me. It was good to be reminded what the Boston Tea Party was all about. Seeing all of these places and remembering what democracy used to mean was a very enlightening experience.

Independence Hall

We ate at a place called Tangerine. The room was illuminated with, you guessed it, orange lights. I ordered a bottle of Morgon and a first course of scallops over potato brandade and artichokes. Scott ordered the tuna tartare followed by spiced chicken over couscous with green olives. I enjoyed a grilled pork chop with a chorizo corn fritter and a pomegranate relish. It was the best all around dinner I have had in a while.

The show was AMAZING with an emphasis on visual effects. The stage sat in the center of the stadium where it was capped with two huge screens to show what was happening on stage. The people in charge of projecting the images used layering and overhead cameras to add more depth and interest. To further entertain us, the stage was equipped with sheer curtains that covered both the front and back. Every now and then the curtains would close. They were sheer enough to allow us to see the stage and the performers, but solid enough to show stunning effects like flames or water. Meanwhile, the screens on either side showed what can only be called “dreamscapes”, random images that one would associate with dreams. The show ended with me feeling quite out of shape and a strong desire to sign up for the next Yoga class.

The Delaware River

Scott’s mom lives on the Delaware River where Washington crossed in the Battle of Trenton. He took me a short way from her house to Bowman’s Tower. This is the tower that Washington constructed in hopes of seeing any intrusion during the time of the battle in 1776.

Bowman's Tower

Walking up the same stairs used by George Washington was too cool. History takes on a new meaning when you are actually where it happened; it becomes more real and more tangible.

It is always nice for me to meet the parents and family of people I care about. It lends much more to their character and gives me a deeper understanding and appreciation of them. Hanging out with Scott in the home he grew up in was fun. It was very comforting to be in that space and a little part of me really liked messing around with him in the basement downstairs. I liked seeing his high school and hearing stories of him growing up right where we stood. His mother and mine share similar traits. I cannot wait to have the two meet in January when Scott will come out and later accompany me and Milo on our cross country trip back to California.

Thursday, November 16th 2006

Empty Bag, Missing Cat

Posted by Johnny

I am so glad we went public with the song. It felt like forever keeping it a secret! Secrets make me paranoid. Do you remember when I went to see the brilliant James Collins in Toronto? It seemed so obvious to me that I was going there to record a song I felt like a fool pretending it was just a social visit.

It was quite the experience, let me tell you. I had the same feeling when I did my first fashion show. I was really nervous, but the atmosphere created by James and The Boomtang Boys was really comforting. I kicked off my shoes and walked barefoot in the recording booth.

In The Booth

I had the headphones and everything. It was a padded room with a microphone that stood up to my chin. I was able to hear myself really clearly without the aid of the machine and that was sort of odd; I am not used to hearing myself over speakers at all.

The Boomtang Boys

This was my first musical adventure and I needed a little great deal of coaching from James to get the sound right. He is an amazing and patient teacher. The Boomtang Boys were also very good at easing my stress and telling just how to say the words. This is why I like to surround myself with people who know what they’re doing and do it well.

The Boys With James Collins

For those of you that haven’t followed along, this story has been long in the making. It started as many tales do, from humble beginnings. In this case from a rainy day in April when I was visiting a buddy in San Fransisco. Boy Wonder complained that I had been rather quiet and it would be good if I said something… ANYTHING to show that I was alive. The day before he told me about a song by Sherrie Lea called “Spellbound”, as I was walking down 21st Street I had to stop and count the goose bumps that were on my arm; this song was my new favorite.

That evening I set up my camera and I did this little dance to the song. I sent it out to BW and he was temporarily satisfied with my effort. On a lark, he put it up on You Tube. I had never heard of this site before and did not really care all that much. Soon thereafter I received an e-mail from James telling me how much he enjoyed watching the video. Sherrie also chimed in and it was so surreal to me. Talk about a community web site!

Sherrie invited me out to LA to meet up with her and the band Pandamonia during a press tour. James was also in LA on business so BW and I met with him for dinner and a great time.

James said he wanted to write a song for me. Not knowing James, but knowing LA, I gave this no salt assuming it was all talk. Then about two weeks later James called to say, “OK, we’re just about done, when you would like to come out?” And the rest, as they say, is history.

Wednesday, November 8th 2006

Safari, So Good

Posted by Johnny

Living on two coasts in a seasonal manner, I have to fly often. I always thought the coast to coast flights were a pain. That was until I returned from my trip to South Africa. 27 hours it took! I will never scoff at a 7 hour flight again!

I won this safari about two years ago at a local club in Boston over Columbus Day weekend. If I never win anything else again it will be fine by me. I decided to take my friend Sarah, who had a dream of going on a South African safari; it was nice to help make that happen.

I found the safari to be like Disneyland meets the San Diego Zoo. They did not tell me that I would have a group of 8 other people to drive around with and we would have to co-ordinate with each other the time we went on the game drives. By the second drive I was sort of over it all. I had seen an elephant before, I had seen a rhino before, I needed a bit more. Sarah could have watched the animals stare at her for hours; it’s her thing, not mine. It all felt very staged to me. The drivers knew where the animals were most of the time and communicated through walkie talkies. I was glad to be there, but also glad I didn’t pay the bill!

Our next part of the trip was Capetown. I have a friend who has a house there. He was in Boston so he gave us the keys. This house was AMAZING!!! It had three levels. The top floor looked out to the ocean where the sight of whales was not uncommon.

The View

Being in Capetown was odd in itself. It reminded me of South Beach meets Europe, mainly Germany since the language there, Afrikaans, was Dutch influenced. Getting an iced coffee was difficult since they interpreted that as ice, ice cream, instant coffee and water blended. We were not in Kansas anymore that was for sure.

The difference between the classes was remarkable. Some people were very poor and other people were very rich without much in between. There was definitely tension there.

To break up our time Sarah and I decided to take some small trips down and around the coast to Simonstown and Hermanus.

The Beach

Simonstown was home to a colony of some 200 African Penguins and Hermanus was the breeding ground for Right Whales at this time of year.


Driving around the tip of South Africa, I saw some of the most breathtaking land I have ever seen. It also was the most challenging experience Sarah and I have shared together. The day before I was to leave for LA I noticed that my drivers license had expired, that left Sarah as the only driver for our entire trip. It wasn’t easy. Being on the “wrong” side of the road in a right hand drive car is a trip and a half. Sarah did great though.

The best part for me was to travel to the Cape of Good Hope, the southern most part of Africa where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic. There was no further South in Africa you could go. It was quite remarkable. I was glad to have been given the opportunity to travel to such a far away place. Having friends in low places doesn’t hurt either.

Cape of Good Hope

Thursday, October 26th 2006

Cocktails With The Stars

Posted by Johnny

I agreed to do Cocktails with the Stars in Weho on 10/12. For those of you that don’t know, CWTS is like a talk show thing with porn guys at a local watering hole in da hood, the center of the Gay Ghetto. There are porn raffles, lots of sexual antics and porn stars, of course! Whenever the guest(s) are part of the Channel 1 family we make a point to support our peeps. It never turns out bad, how could it? Well, I suppose Tyler could get totally ripped and vomit in two directions, but thankfully he is too vain to let that happen. Love ya Tyler, hope ya win!

Cybersocket Scott

There is a new host for the event, his name is Scott and he works for Cybersocket. He is one of my newest buddies and I wanted to support him and hang out with my boy Tyler Riggz. Adam Faust showed up adding to the familial pool of porno boys that were collecting. I got a little crazy during the show when we decided to count my tattoos.

Tattoo Count

Most of my tattoos are below the waist so in order for an accurate count the trousers had to be dropped. Perhaps it was the free beer or just the fact that Scott is a fun, animated host that leads to his guests opening up and really having a great time. I even took off my shirt and danced for a while on the stage, all because he asked me nicely. OK, that and the tips are always good. I also indulged in some fried shrimp that I blame completely on the beer! At 3am, my body being the independent, upfront, somewhat merciless being that he is reminded very clearly why we do not do that. I get it. Thanks.

Tuesday, October 24th 2006

Art + Design > Porn?

Posted by Johnny

Thursday (10/12), my scene with Adam Faust. I must say that I was quite impressed with him. He has two beautiful tattoos that he designed. They are tribal representations of a tiger and phoenix done in all black and even though they are somewhat abstract they remain fluid and strong. Great pieces done so well it made me want to cry. My next big tat is going to be designed by him, I made him promise. Coincidentally, he has also dabbled in designing t-shirts. When we got to talking I realized this guy is a bundle of creative energy.

With Adam Faust

Adam and I are the same height, so that combined with our artistic minds made for excellent on screen chemistry. It was really nice, very enjoyable. He’s a great kisser and has one of the finest asses I have had the privilege to encounter. HOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Cardboard Ass Print

We had few props. A flat bed cart, some cardboard boxes filled with DVD’s and a ladder. We made use of them all, twice over. After we used the cardboard box I noticed that the combination of sweat and lube made for the cutest impression of my bum. This box was going to be shipped to a buyer of ours so we decided that it would be fun if I signed it.
