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Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, April 7th 2006

Return To Normality

Posted by Johnny

My professional hunch was correct. François’ scene went beyond what he had anticipted and it was late when he finished. I was well into my 7th pint by that point and would have been no use to him had he called. I guess it’s off to Paris for him now.

I was going to go to the gym today, but somebody had told me that perhaps the reason I was not gaining any weight is because I’m at the gym everyday revving my already hummingbird-like metabolism into a complete state of overdrive. Now I’ll be going to the gym 4 days a week. I’m looking forward to the extra time I will have and the possiblity of 10 more lbs.

It’s 8:30 now in LA and I made it back from San Fran without a hitch. 6 hours door to door. Boy Wonder is coming by later. We’ll probably watch some Ab Fab and call it a night. I am working here in LA for the weekend. I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning and a scene with Benjamin Bradley on Sunday. I think it will be good to have Boy Wonder here during the photo shoot. Greg Thompson and he are friends and it will be great to get some behind-the-scenes shots. Keep an eye out for those in a day or two.

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