Hazzardous Materials Guide

On Location

Posted by Boy Wonder

Silly On Set

Johnny is in LA this weekend to shoot some scenes so I get the pleasure of his company when I should be doing laundry and cleaning up after the construction work in my apartment. As I type this, Greg Thompson is shooting Johnny in Hollywood. It’s kind of fun hanging out with the guys while they do their magic; although, I was a bit annoyed when they snagged my cocktail to use as a prop for the kitchen layout. I can hardly wait to see the bedroom shots.

The tank auction ends today and we will most likely miss the final moments when the winner is decided. It doesn’t matter, though, we are already very pleased with the results.

Last night Johnny lost a big, fat entry about his trip to San Francisco so keep an eye out for that to reappear in the next few days after he recovers from the trauma. There is still much to tell about that particular getaway. Trust!! Also, I will post some behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot today soon. There’s always something going on here!

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Dreaming Big
Johnny Reflects
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