Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, March 31st 2006

Phoenix Or Bust!

Posted by Johnny

Rob and I had some awesome Mexican chow for dinner before retiring early for our flight this morning. Problem was I didn’t sleep well. It wasn’t due to excitement or food poisoning mind you, it was due to snoring, Rob’s. The loudest snoring I have ever heard. I was sleeping in the guest room which was on the other end of the adjacent room. Through a wall and across a room this sound carried. I was truly amazed and completely annoyed. Then all of a sudden, silence. He just stopped. I though for a moment that he might have rolled over onto the pillow face down and asphixited himself. I contemplated going in to check up on him, but decided against it. Obviously it wasn’t a problem.

We flew SouthWest and upon arriving at the gate, I was faced with a situation. Open seating. WHAT? Are you kidding me with this? No, they weren’t. It was absolutely ridiculous. I still have no idea what purpose that served and who was benefiting from the cattle call.

The weather sucked in LA and it appears to have followed us to Phoenix. Cloudy with a threat of rain. I am glad that Luca and Rob are staying here at the hotel with me. This would be a little depressing had I been here all on my own. There is a Deaf Convention here as well. It has been a while since I have signed and am looking forward to the oppurtunity to talk to some of the guys.

ECHO Magazine

When I sat down in the lobby waiting for Rob to check us all in, I saw myself on the cover of ECHO, the local gay community magazine. I’m still not used to finding myself randomly publicized. Why doesn’t anybody tell me these things? Apparently they have never featured a porn star on the cover before. I must say it was quite an honor and rather exciting to see it in the hotel lobby casually displayed next to Harper’s and Good Housekeeping. It may be a good weekend after all…

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