Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, May 18th 2004


Posted by Johnny

well this is my frst official “blog”, i will not b using any capital letters and will frqntly omit letters and abbreviate words at will. well this is day3 at my new residence in P town (i love this town, it deserves a capital letter), the sun finally came through, i am so weather affected. i spent the entire winter shuffling around from florida to la, to various other destinations inc. europe, its been really tiring, not only having to b johnny hazzard but living out of ur bag w/ no real destination of ur own can become taxing and quite eroding. i have alsways been a traveler, a gypsy, but i have always had a “home”, someplace that i could retreat too, this time i didnt and it was a lesson to me. u really find out who and what u r when u live the unfamiliar. so now im in this lovely magical place, a home of my own, at least for the next 6 mos. i plan on working a little bit, if i have 2, but mostly i plan on enjoying my time here, exploring my creative side, and cooking quite a few things from the gluten-free and blood type specific cookbooks ive bought. i also have this wonderful toy to play with now, i dont know how honest i will b, i may use this as some sort of therapy, who knows, alright my brown rice is steaming, till then……

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