Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Monday, April 19th 2004


Posted by Boy Wonder

I can’t help but think of Johnny when I listen to Miracles by Pet Shop Boys, which is about seventy times a day recently.

Clouds drift away
when they see you
Rain wouldn’t dare
to fall near you here
Miracles happen
when you’re around

Somehow the grass is much greener
Rivers flow faster and cleaner
Being with you
no matter where
sunlight breaks through
and suddenly there’s
A bluer sky
whenever you’re around
You always bring
a bluer sky
a brighter day

Thunder is silent before you
Roses bloom more to adore you too
Miracles happen
when you’re around
The sunset is deeper and longer
The scent of the jasmine is stronger
Stray dogs don’t bite
Birds start to sing
Lightening daren’t strike
You suddenly bring
A bluer sky
whenever you’re around
You always bring
a bluer sky
a brighter day
Birds fly
even higher in the sky
Sun shines
It’s a new day

I just put this here to have a little filler. You can delete this entry if you so choose. Of course, I do reserve the right to make the odd entry or two here for comedic relief if you don’t mind. Now experiment a bit and don’t hesitate to call with questions/masturbation fodder!

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