Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Monday, June 30th 2008

Game Airage

Posted by Johnny

Wow, all sorts of crazy things have been going on with me. It’s madness, I tell you! When my personal life is packed with conflict and whatnot it becomes easier for me to completely overlook important events. What could I be talking about? Oh I don’t know… maybe… same sex marriage is now recognized by the state of California?!

This issue doesn’t affect me in any way and I’ve always suspected it was a plot by the Republicans to divert media attention away from whatever insidious plots they were developing at the time. All that aside I was so fucking pleased that we won the right to be recognized as regular citizens that I very nearly peed in my pants. It isn’t special treatment, it’s EQUAL treatment. Now queers can legally wed and watch as their spirit slowly dies in a loveless union just like breeders!

To commemorate this major thrust forward in the gay movement the Pacific Design Center put on a special display and I was there to capture the action.

4 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

As always, Boy Wonder, I love your editorializing! Johnny, I agree with you about the gay marriage controversy being much like the tail wagging the dog … just some shiny little distraction to keep us occupied while the Bush administration chips away at our first amendment rights and helps make his friends rich by sending young, naive American kids off to war. I’m so glad Petey wasn’t bamboozled! More kibble, please!

the frog Says:

Isn’t it cute? We get a glimpse of Johnny’s inside! I mean, interior. I mean… oh, forget it.

Harvey Fierstein just called and he’s interested in turning this into a musical because, hey, it’s a movie after all. Working title is “The Hazzard of Oz” and the show-stopper will be “Soooo Over the Rainbow!” The storyline was still being worked out at time of press, but apparently it involves Johnny riding a yellow brick rod AND the immortal line: “Well, Petey, I think we’re not in California anymore!”

DJPerezMA Says:

Yeah, Johnny! I got you on your take on marriage. I would consider folks look at a little “Divide & Conquer” Strategy that seems to be playing out. While Gay marriage is being secured for the “Good Gays”, those “Bad Queers” who love to stay up late at night and do all sorts of Nasty Things, y’know like drink, dance, and, OMG, suck dick and fuck ass (& more) with un-committed partners, have their playgrounds being hassled with all over these United States.

People, have you had gay club closings, or gay club nights disappear in your area? Cruisng ground busts heating up in your woods? (They are in Fire Island and Provincetown…)

Any accident that several of NYC’s biggest GLBT clubs got shut down just in time for Pride Weekend? Pre-Stonewall all over again…..Only with conservative Gays who can be used to shake a finger at all us ‘un-repentant, irresponsible’ “Party People”.

I stand up for the right for all of us to Marry; but who is standing up for our Right to Pursue Pleasure outside for the Social Fiat of Marriage?


Love to hear from you!

“When the Red Carpet is suddenly rolled out for you, pay attention to who get to walk on it, and where it leads…..”

Peace, Pleasure, and the Pursuit of Happiness!

D. J. Perez

Lost in Tennessee Says:

The news out of California is certainly uplifting. Unfortunately, it’s not a done deal. The people of California will have the final say this November. With so many variables at play it seems impossible to predict the outcome once the dust settles.

On a similar note, I would appreciate any insight Johnny, Jerrod, and other California residents can provide concerning the sentiment of Californians where gay marriage is concerned.

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