Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Saturday, March 24th 2007

Rufskin Me Likey

Posted by Johnny

For weeks I had been looking forward to visiting beautiful San Diego for an advertising shoot with Rufskin Denim. I have long admired their clothes and was very excited to be a part of the good work they do.

My good friend Mike let me stay with him. It was so nice to see him again. It had been just about a year since he was sharing my tiny space with me in Palm Springs. Now I was sharing his tiny space – it was so small that there was not even enough room for the internet. That’s not true, it was more about money than space, but I was without the web. After the initial shock I was happy to be relieved of it and the responsibility it carries.

The weather was sublime and my shoot/appearance was so much fun. I am so digging these Rufskin guys. Their style is comfort meets sexy meets Rockabilly cowboy from the city. Just my bag. The shoot took place in a backyard that sang with trees, shrubbery and wind chimes. Two cats meandered around the set taking notice of the commotion sometimes with lizards in their mouths. The supplies were simple: a man behind the camera who happened to be one of the owners, a camera on a tripod, a small reflector and the other partner in his business and his life. They were impressed with the ease and flow of my interaction with the camera and I was impressed with their effective styling and kick ass camera. The pix came out sooooo great. The first two are of me in some of my stuff. I know, I know. It’s coming, it’s coming.


Later that night it was time to turn it out at Bacchus House. These things are cool and fun. Mike showed up with Tyler Riggz with his bf Reed, the guys from Rufskin and some local friends made it a fun night of free drinks, laughing and me dancing in a shower on the dance floor. People remarked to me how fun I was and actually used the word “ham” to describe me. They also commented on how different the guy was on stage compared to what they had expected. I can never hear that enough.

In the end I realized that I like San Diego. I like it a lot!


Tyler and Reed


Lumberjack Mike


Hubert, co-owner and creator of Rufskin


In the tub

19 Comments for this post

p_paolo Says:

Seeing you play with ducks in the tub is surely worth a trip to San Diego! And that town is little enough to be livable.

Rufskin is great clothing… although any buff would suit you perfectly.

Marastar Says:

Love the piccie in the Rufskin gear. It almost looks like you have a labrete piercing… which actually looks awesome. Thought about getting one?

Genor Says:

Cool pics. Cool friends. Cool jeans.

the frog Says:

The only thing missing from that first pic is the slogan: “Sometimes they look even better with clothes on.”

Johnny Says:

My lip is pierced…I had it done years ago and I just got tired of it until I had this shoot and thought I would spice up my appearance a bit. Luckliy they liked it and so there you have it.

Pepper E Says:

So….when will the results of this shoot be available for the general viewing public?

I adore San Diego. I’ve only been down a few times for concerts, but it’s probably one of the better places in So Cal. In fact, I was in San Diego the first time I saw the beach. Good times.

Jeffred Says:

I love San Diego, so much so, I’ve moved here twice. Darned if I knew you were at Bacchaus, I’ve made the effort to go over there, it would’ve been fun. Come on down to San Diego anytime.

Marastar Says:

And after all this time the hole is still there?

I wish my piercings were like that.. I had a tongue ring and the hole closed over after one day.. *sigh*

But yeah the whole punk fag thing is an awesome look and you pull it off awesomely, the main reason why I’m a fan :D

Nightsister Says:

Imagine my happy surprise when I opened my 10percent newsletter this morning! The longer hair is an awesome look for you — you pull off that punky, rockabilly style well. And Tyler Riggz always seems like he’d be great to just hang out and have beers with.

elfgirl Says:

It looks like the photo shoot was awesome. I’m glad someone else asked about the labret. I was wondering, too.

San Diego is fabulous. The weather’s to die for and it’s not wall-to-wall people like L.A.. If I had to pick somewhere in Cali to live, it’d be there.

elfgirl, raising the boy/girl commenting ratio another notch.

Johnny Says:

The shoot was for a “newsletter” that they put out once a month in SD. Since you asked so nicely perhaps I will put a couple more shots up of the shoot. Lord knows we have plenty from that afternoon.

My hole never closed up. I kept the ring in for about a year before attempting to keep it out for any amount of time.

Is the 10% newsletter the one that Rufskin does?

the frog Says:

* trying hard to refrain from making a crack about, err, Courtney Love’s band *

Boy Wonder Says:

Oh go on, Frog! I’ve been waiting for you to say something. It would be inappropriate coming from me.

Johnny Says:

You two!

the frog Says:

[*hand on heart, innocent look on face, hurt tone in voice and "inappropriate, moi?" in subtext*]

I was merely thinking of the song “Celebrity Skin.” You know: Rufskin, tattoos, pornstars wearing “My Zebra Just Had A Vasectomy” jeans and so forth…

You guys are just so dirty-minded sometimes.

Boy Wonder Says:

Frog – Just imagine what we’re like when we aren’t making some attempt at a reasonably acceptable front on this site! Actually, Johnny is practically a choir boy when compared to me in that arena. And somehow I suspect that you fall in the middle somewhere – leaning toward me. :evil:

the frog Says:

Sure I’ll lean toward you, with Johnny close behind. Then can we switch?

You know you were asking for it.

Boy Wonder Says:

True, but I don’t think it was that particular configuration. :-P

Rita PHL Says:

Never seen you lookin’ so good Johnny … particularly the shot of you with Lumberjack Mike, (or maybe it’s the Corona and Lime, nah…).

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