Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, January 5th 2007

Ray of Light, Flicker of Hope

Posted by Boy Wonder

Last summer I discovered a real gem in my music library. I have no idea how it came to be there, but boy was I ever pleased with its discovery. Naturally I sent it to Johnny immediately thinking he would be just as thrilled as I was. Listening to this mix made me want to dance so I borrowed a camera from work and made a little dance video. My intention was to have Johnny do the same in Boston so I could combine them for a “duelling dance” clip.

When I pestered him for his contribution he admitted that he wasn’t very enthused by the track. Are you kidding me? Anyway I was totally bummed because I had already edited my bit with spaces for him to be included. I wasn’t about to post of video of just me, I mean, who cares? Well screw that because I happen to like the video no matter how horrific it may be to watch myself dance. Besides, I’m planning a major remodel of my hideous apartment and this makes for an excellent “before” example.

So take a moment and watch what happens when music and copious amounts of liquor inspire me during the hottest week of the year – much to my roommate’s dismay.

https://hazzardahead.com/media/ROL.mov,320,260,Ray of Light

17 Comments for this post

the frog Says:

LOL. Not sure I got that but are you looking for a tree to hang yourself at the end? I suspect you were chanelling Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs, hence the roommate’s dismay.
And your appartment is fine. At any rate it’s better than mine, though that’s not saying much.
What you really need is to get rid of these pants. I mean right there, on the unedited video version.

And of course, grow a stubble.

Boy Wonder Says:

Frog – At the end the tree that was visible in the rest of the video was gone. Within a month all of the trees on our property were chopped down (rather early in the morning, I might add). I was testing the video function of Johnny’s new digital camera and was stunned to find open space where there once was a tree.

Lost in Tennessee Says:

Jerrod, since the redecorating bug has bitten you, I think you should consider appearing on HGTV. Shows airing on the network including 24 Hour Design, Get Color!, and Design Remix each feature a carpenter whom is seemingly hotter than the last. These carpenters also have the right tool for any job! Consequently, you would walk away from the experience with a meticulously crafted living environment and a smile on your face due to the satisfaction of a job well done.

By the way, I am disappointed to report your dance video will not play. I was looking ever so forward to watching you shake your tail feathers and offering decorating advice at the same time.

Rita PHL Says:

Video-wise I dug the silhouette and the transitions.

And your dancing is reason #172 why gay men are so gosh darn hot! Nice moves, Charles. (My first “Ice Storm” reference on hazzardahead.com!)

Boy Wonder Says:

Damn, I haven’t seen Ice Storm in years! I’ll have to check that out again – it was great! As usual, tops with the movie picks.

the frog Says:

Aah, the Ice Storm… Sigourney with a 70s hairdo and a whip was almost enough to make me briefly reconsider my sexual orientation. And thanks to that film, I got my one good laugh out of The Grinch (I mean the movie; yes I saw it; long story.) Otherwise I’d never have gotten the key party reference.

Funny how such a low-key indie movie is loaded with stars and future celebrities – off the top of my head: Sigourney Weaver, Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, Elijah Wood, I think even Katie Holmes is in there somewhere.

I’ll always remember an article on the filming, with ten-year-old Elijah Wood asking out of the blue what the movie “Deep Throat” was about and all the adult actors too embarrassed to answer. Finally, I think it was Sigourney: “It’s about… a lady named Linda Lovelace… who was good at… a certain thing…”

Marastar Says:

Yeah the shadowy transitiony things were a cool effect. And the fact that it was Ray of Light and the ‘Sasha Twilo’ Mix no less got bonus points. Admittedly I kinda zoned about halfway through and started looking at your decore but then when the t-shirt came off and the bum was smacked, the focus went back to you *lol*

However!!! The best part was when your flatmate came in with this whole ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ kinda thing and the cat troddled in after him!!! *lol*

Johnny Says:

I still do not like the song but LUUUUUHUUUUV the video. SSSOOO GAAAAAAAY!

Is that Wes walking in on you?

grinch Says:

Désolé BW j’écris en français je n’ai plus que 3 neurones qui fonctionnent… à la limite, cela mettra un peu de variété….

Je ne sais pas si Frog pense à moi quand il parle du Grinch mais je dois lui avouer que mon pseudo m’a strictement rien à voir avec ce film ( que je n’ai d’ailleurs pas vu..) mais plutôt avec mon caractère ( les 7 nains cela te rappelle quelque chose??) Et oui j’ai un fichu caractère (d’aucun ici pourrait en témoigner..) et pour te donner un exemple j’ai réussi à faire fuir mon copain en Pologne ( et oui il semblerait que ce pays est à la mode!!)……… enfin c’est la version courte!!!

J’avoue que les références ‘filmiques’ tombent un peu à plat pour moi qui ne suis pas un grand cinéphile( à part lorqu’on parle de DON PEDRO mais je ne trouve personne pour m’attacher) et en plus pour compenser mon retour au célibat j’applique deux méthodes:

la 1e semaine c’est la méthode EDDY et PATS avec champagne et aspirine…..
la 2e semaine c’est la méthode KAREN WALKER avec martini et pilules surprises….

OK OK je suis un mauvais exemple et après avoir avoué mes addictions je vais pouvoir prendre un rdv avec LIT quand il sera diplômé (enfin c’est peut être dangereux pour lui je serais capable de le rendre fou et de lui trasmettre mes vices….)

Bon je pourrais comprendre si il y avait des réfenrences aux sports mais je crois que le lieu n’y est pas approprié.. En plus, ici en Europe le sport c’est football ou rugby et non pas football américain ou hockey… Oui j’avoue j’adore le rugby mais avant que tu me le dises cela n’a rien à voir avec un célèbre calendrier ici en France qui m’a amusé au départ mais qui lasse un peu maintenant….

OK il resterait les références musicales mais encore une fois mon trip c’est le rock et les textes subversifs…. Je ne peux pas passer une semaine sans écouter par exemple ‘we love your apathy’ de SKUNK ANANSIE (quelqu’un connait ici??):

i abuse you, as you watch me
and you always vote me in
the poorer you are the better
that gives me more control
c’os i am the brute that hates you
(and i’m) loving it to the bone

Ok je crois que je m’égare.. Frog si il t’en prend le courage tu peux traduire ma petite prose mais en auras tu la volonté??
Au fait question pseudo, la référence a la France est évidente avec Frog mais n’aurais tu pas du prendre un escargot (très français aussi…) comme pseudo et jouer ainsi sur la notion d’hermaphrodisme????

Boy Wonder Says:

Of course it was Wes, and that was Chaos close behind!

Genor Says:

I really enjoyed the video BW! Especially the close ups. You’re a handsome man! And when Wes walked in and gave you the “What the Fuck???!!!????” I almost fell out of my chair I laughed so hard! Thanks for that clip!

the frog Says:

So glad for your sake that your roommate is not Chaos. (I live alone but he’s a regular at my place.)

the frog Says:

Here’s a transation for grinch’s post.

grinch writes:

Sorry BW for writing in French, but I only have three brain cells left in working order… if anything it should add variety…
I don’t know if Frog was alluding to me when mentioning the Grinch, but I must confess to him that my pseudonym bears strictly no relation to this movie (that I haven’t seen anyway) but more to do with my personality (do the seven dwarves ring a bell?) [Tr. note: In France, Snow White's dwarf Grumpy is called Grincheux]. Yes I do have one hell of a temper (as some here could testify) and to give you an example, I managed to make my boyfriend run all the way to Poland (seems like quite the fashionable country these days!!)… Anyway that’s the short of it!!!

I must confess that “film-like” references are a bit lost on me as I’m not much of a film buff (except when it comes to Don Pedro but I can’t find anyone to tie me up) On top of it all to compensate my new-found celibate state, I apply two methods:

First week is the Eddie and Pats method, featuring champagne and aspirin…
Second week is Karen Walker method, with martini and surprise pills…

All right, all right, I’m no role model, and after confessing to my addictions I may have to make an appointment with LIT once he gets his diploma (well, it might be dangerous for him, as I might very well drive him crazy and contaminate him with my vices…)

Ok I could get sports references, but I don’t think this is the right place… And anyway, here in Europe sports mean football or rugby instead of soccer or hockey. Yes, I do love rugby but before you say anything, this has nothing to do with a very popular calendar here in France which I found amusing at first but am getting a bit tired of now…

OK then that would leave music references, but once again, I’m into rock and subversive lyrics… I can’t let a week go by without listening for instance to “we love your apathy” by Skunk Anansie (does anybody around here know??)

‘i abuse you, as you watch me
and you always vote me in
the poorer you are the better
that gives me more control
c’os i am the brute that hates you
(and i’m) loving it to the bone’

OK I may be losing myself in digression here… Frog, if you feel up to it you may translate my little prose, but will you want to? [I didn't really, but Boy Wonder promised to grow a stubble and let me tousle his hair - Frog]

By the way, when it comes to pseudonyms, the France reference is obvious with Frog but shouldn’t you have picked a snail (very French, too…) so you could play on the hermaphrodism notion??? [Do I look like Jamie Lee Curtis to you? - Frog]

Marastar Says:

omg… how random *lol*

evilmichael Says:

Well, it’s nice to see the Boy Wonder finally shine in front of the camera. Great song, great dancing, questionable pants (denim capris?!). In any case, you rock!

Boy Wonder Says:

OMG, they DO look like denim capri pants! How horrible! They’re just cut-off Levis, but now I’ll have to reconsider when it gets hot again. Of course, showing more skin in that particularly pasty state might not have been the best idea…

p_paolo Says:

you got shy? is your video gone for ever?

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