Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, January 2nd 2007

A New Year For Ma Hazzard

Posted by Johnny

I wonder how long it will take me this year to remember to head everything with 2007? I usually get it within the first two months or so.

Aimie and Johnny Toast 2007

For the start of 07 I took Aimie to an old stomping ground of ours called the Grid, not before a couple local brews at my house. This was my first gay bar back when I was 17. Although the location has changed the name and staff still remain the same reminding of a simpler but still complicated time long before Johnny Hazzard came to be.

The music was circa 2000, but that didn’t seem to bother anybody, Aimie included. At midnight the bar dropped about a ton of confetti onto the dance floor. This pleased Aimie greatly as she shook her fists and shouted, “I love this!” Glitter, balloons and confetti are not the norm in straight bars. Only with the homosexuals can you experience such a time. I am still finding shimmering shards of confetti in my hair.

I rolled in at around 7am New Years Day, (none of your business) caught a couple hours of restless tossing and turning and began the first day of the new year helping ma with dinner. She decided to put on dinner for 25 members of our family. I am always amazed at how much prep time and work goes into an event that lasts only 4 hours. People arrived at 3 and at 6, when I looked at the clock I was shocked as I thought it had to be at least 8.

It went exceptionally well and I was also amazed at how much I did not eat. I spent so much time doing coats, getting drinks, being social, helping with little things that once it came time to eat I enjoyed the opportunity to sit still; it wasn’t until about 9 when I felt hungry and had some of the left-overs.

Today is Ma H’s birthday. I bought her a new receiver for her truck that will play CD-Rs and took her to lunch where I surprised her with Richard and Paul, two old fiends of mine. Ma befriended them both when we waited tables in Cleveland and grew quite close to them.

Right now I am toasting barley for dinner. Today is ma’s day to relax from the kitchen. I am doing dinner for my brother, sisters and the birthday girl. I do not think that I have included any pictures of my siblings so allow me to introduce them: the one with glasses is my sister, Karen, followed by Patti and the youngest of the bunch, Carmen.

Karen, Johnny, Patti and Carmen

11 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

Happy birthday Ma Hazzard and glad to see you had all your babies around to celebrate!

Lost in Tennessee Says:

I want to wish you a happy belated birthday Ma Hazzard! I hope you had fun and cashed in on some awesome birthday gear at the same time.

the frog Says:

Joyeux Anniversaire, Ma Hazzard! (And many happy returns from a fellow Capricorn.)
I wish you the best, though after seeing that pic I suspect you already have it. (Will you knit another son for me if I bring you the wool? Please?)
Thank you for your unique input on Johnny’s site, and helping make it a warm and fun place always full of surprises, like a fireplace on Christmas day.

Talking of surprises, now we learn you’re… a truck driver?? Ruth Fisher’s got nothing on you, Ma H.

aimie Says:

she’s all like

aalex Says:

love u

Ma Hazzard Says:

Rita: Hey hon… thanks for the birthday wishes! Yep – all the kids… damn, I was in heaven. Hope 2007 brings YOU lots of happiness, babe.

Take care!
Ma H

Ma Hazzard Says:

Hey LIT! Yep – another year older; maybe physically but definitely not emotionally or mentally! Life is good… I have my kids, my family and good health to enjoy them all.

Haven’t been that spoiled on my birthday since the big 5-0 (which – at some point I MAY share with all of you… ha ha!)

Ma H

Ma Hazzard Says:

Oh Frog… what a wonderful comment, honey! Thank you… And, pray tell… when is your birthday, oh Capricorn? I love writing for the site and have been working on quite a lengthy entry comprising Johnny’s 3 week stay at home… God… so much to say.

Yep – I beeze a ‘truck’ driver LOL! Driving those roads, blaring Moving Into Light… will definitely get pulled over one of these days… haha.

Take care, darlin’

Ma H

Ma Hazzard Says:

Hey y’all… Aimie says like I’m Hoooooooot… I’m sure you can see how damn gorgeous she is! Inside & out… can’t beat her! Love her much.

Ma H

Ma Hazzard Says:


Love 2 U from Johnny & Me… and Happy New Year!

Ma H

the frog Says:

I almost missed your sweet response, Ma H. (BW, we need a “new comment” flashing signal for past threads! Yeah, I know you were breathlessly awaiting my suggestion.) I couldn’t help laughing out loud picturing Ma The Menace at the wheel of her truck, with a cap backward on her head (Mother’s Day present from Carmen) blaring “Moving Into Light” on the stereo and doing a “Duel” on every car with a Pat Robertson bumper sticker.

Keep up the good work, Ma :-) And don’t let us wait too long for that 3 weeks entry.

To answer your question, my birthday is 12/29. I won’t say what year though. (I’m pretty coy when it comes to that, perhaps the only time I act even remotely like a lady. Let’s just say I keep virgin blood in my fridge and a very ugly portrait of moi in the attic.)

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