Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Thursday, June 29th 2006

They Always Stop ME! Do I Look Nice To You?

Posted by Boy Wonder

I went down to my local 7 Eleven this evening and was stopped near the door by an attractive black girl. She was “trying to find boys” to look at her car to see why it wouldn’t start. I told her that I barely qualified as a boy in that particular department, but agreed to have a look anyway.

She led me to a big, gold SUV and suggested I try to turn the engine over. “Great” I thought, “There’s probably some freak in the back seat and I’m about to have my head bagged so they can drag me out to the desert.” There was no one in the back seat. I couldn’t even turn the key in the ignition so I asked her if it was in park. She didn’t know and I couldn’t tell either. I tried a couple of other things to no avail. She thanked me for my time and I told her to look for butcher guys.

When I came out of the store she was driving off so she must have found some capable man. If only we could ALL be that lucky!

1 Comment for this post

ichabod69 Says:

Good lord thank god you didn’t get your head bagged! That would be horrible! I don’t think I would have stopped to help. Last time I stopped to help someone I got mugged…. such is life. Glad you didn’t end up in the desert!

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