Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Thursday, June 29th 2006

Cooking With Johnny

Posted by Johnny

The broccoli stems turned out to be amazing, by far the best part of the meal. I peeled the outer skins off to where the flesh was a light green color and no brown hues remained. They took about as much time as the squash, 6 mins. total. What was surprising was the texture, a rich fibrous firmness you would get with a sweet potato. Broccoli has an already inherent buttery taste, at least to me it does, and the stems were a perfect reflection of that. They kept their shape and were able to be cooled and chopped with ease for this afternoon’s lunch time wraps for me and Sarah. The grill itself is my new best friend. We have started a relationship. This being my first time with gas I have a little to learn; like what my Med High is vs. its Med High. All in good time, but for now I must endure the occasional dry chicken and scorched portabellas.

This afternoon I was required to work Lunch. The city has pretty much emptied out as far as those 9-5 ers go so I knew we would not be at our busiest. At 11:30 the other server came into the back and said “OK, were either going to pick a number or draw straws”.

“Why”, I replied.

“So we can see who goes home”.

“Why can’t I just go” I asked surprisingly and persistently.

“Because I want to go, too” he shot back.

Damn! Alright then, we were going to settle this diplomatically with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I said, “Best out of 3?” He seemed fine with that. I love that game and usually win. This time was nothing unexpected. I was out the door at 12 noon. I had my bed to pick up and wanted to get a haircut; plus I had some Jalapeno peppers that were going to go bad if I didn’t create some sort of salsa soon.

I walked into the Futon shop to pick up the bed I ordered yesterday. I was met with an enthusiastic smile and “Hello” from the guy behind the counter. Surprised and happy to receive such a warm welcome I matched his gusto. When he walked me outside to put the box into Milo’s bed he offered his hand and said “It’s really good to meet you.” I said sort of cautiously that it was nice to meet him as well.

“Welcome to Boston” he said. At this point I knew that I had been recognized and he was a fan. I totally forgot all about it. I often forget about it these days; especially being out of CA and in a place that I consider home. The people who knew me in the BJ (Before Johnny) years live here so I have pretty much put that personality on the back burner for now until someone makes a comment or compliment. My Mother has always said to make sure that you are always nice to people b/c you never know who knows who. She was speaking more to being Italian and having a very well known last name and being in a well known family. That aside, that same knowledge applies to my life right now perfectly.

So that little video I did out of boredom in SF to “Spellbound” has created some sort of stir. Last word was that if a video is ever done, I will be dancing in it. That’s HOT!!!!! You have to love the internet. I know I do. So a shout goes to my gal Sherrie Lea and the writer of that great little ditty, James Collins. Thanks for showing such interest in the video and keeping me and Boy Wonder in the loop. For those of you in Canada, check out About Magazine next month for a small piece about the Spellbound buzz I accidentally created.

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