Wednesday, April 26th 2006
Posted by Johnny
I stepped outside to what was, in my opinion, the first real sunny day since I arrived. I wanted nothing more to sit in the middle of a field on a rock and sun myself like a gecko. I feel like I am a reptile like that when I am here. I search out the sun and absorb as much as possible before it disappears behind the fog and hills. I had every intention of taking some photos of the hills and maybe some interesting people strolling through the Castro, but as soon as I retrieved the camera and powered the bugger on a red battery icon appeared. I have not read the directions yet, but with what little knowledge I have I could tell things weren’t looking so hot. I was able to get this picture before the f%^$#er crapped out. It is at the top of 23rd St. at Noe in Noe Valley. Kevin lives round the block. I am convinced that somehow the power supply was tapped even though the device was instructed to be off. This camera and I will not be together long. I am in the market for something a little more pocket friendly and portable. I can barely fit this guy into my hand.

Lesson today: Life is too short to be shy. Two days ago I was walking down Market St. when out of nowhere this guy named Oliver popped in my head. I know Oliver from P’town and find him to be nearly flawless. There was nothing more to this thought than his face and an “Oh, I wonder how he is doing”. Today I was walking back from my haircut where I had new zig zags put in and who walked right by me? Oliver. Out of the freakin’ blue he was there. He looked as handsome as ever walking with another guy. I was so shocked that I could do nothing but say a genuine, “Hello” and keep walking. I KEPT WALKING!!! Fool! I must have looked SO rude.
At the corner of Castro and Market I kicked myself in the ass and turned around hoping to see him again. I didn’t. I couldn’t understand why my first instinct was to run away. I mean, I had this man in my thoughts out of nowhere, for no reason and I passed up the chance to find out what the universe was trying to tell me. It doesn’t really matter. The point is that I felt that there was something at work here and I ignored it… blantantly. I turned my back on it and walked away like a coward. The truth is that I was afraid to some degreee. Somebody once said to me FEAR stands for Fuck Everything And Run. Yup. That’s it!
I experience this sort of thing all the time. I ask about somebody to a friend and later on they call. I will call somebody and they will say enthusiastically “I was just thinking/talking about you”. I will think about somebody or something and there they are. In this case, 3000 miles away from home. My friend Sarah says it’s more like “tuning in” rather than some psychic intuition. Whatever it is, it’s really cool. However, I cannot remember being so upset at myself in a very long time. FEAR is not something I have a whole lot of believe me! Still, every so often it creeps up on me like a cold sore, uncontrollable and just when I think I have a grasp on it, it’s too late. There are 4 more days before the long journey East and I have a feeling that our paths will cross again. I’m chanting as we speak, darling.
Filed in Ancient History, Friends, Just Life, Out & About, Photos | No Comments »
Posted by Boy Wonder
Last night I had a dream that I did my first porn (professionally anyway). It was VERY weird. For one, Johnny was there and there’s no reason I would be on set for a Rascal shoot. Second, the reason I was chosen to be in the video was nobody else could get hard. How would they know that if I wasn’t there as a model in the first place?
So for the second part of the video I was in a huge orgy scene with Johnny. We were never coupled, of course, but we both had sex with Jason Ridge. I had sex with Jason as he appeared in Carnal Haze and Johnny got busy with the current incarnation. It was fair. I mean, Johnny likes Jason’s look now and I was into him back during his jock phase. It didn’t occur to me at the time that no one had any difficult getting hard after all. Freaky!
The reason I bring this up is that I had a ton of crap to do at work today and instead of completing the difficult things that only I can do I watched porn to check for DVD errors. Hello?! A chimp with a frontal lobotomy could do that. Porn is SOOOOOOOOOOO boring and totally puts me off sex. Tomorrow I have to pick up a model from Burbank airport, which means if I stayed at home tonight I would have to drive to Burbank from Culver City and then to Hollywood. I don’t think so. It seemed like the perfect excuse to stay overnight at The Cowboy’s place just minutes away from the airport, right? Well, after watching twenty minute half-hard cock sucking sessions all day I’m more in the mood for Tom & Jerry than hot fucking at The Cowboy’s tonight!
OK, there really was no connection between any of that. Suffice it to say I’m a little porned out this week. Oh yeah, I’m supposed to be finished with the June cover art for GayVN Magazine and I haven’t even started it yet. Yeah, too busy watching porn (and blogging, btw) to work on that minor side salad. *grind teeth*
Filed in Boy Wonder, Porn | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny
Now that I’ve relaxed some, I’ve started thinking more and more about the t-shirts I’ll be working on soon. One style will be slogan T’s made out of this really soft vintage-like material that I will “Hazzardize”. I’m going to start them in Cleveland. My mom has the space for the 180 shirts that are sitting in Milo’s cab taking up half the bed. The second style will be more polished and “dressy”. The shirts are from a designer named Raul in South Beach. He sought me out a year ago to see if I would model for his line. After some hesitation I agreed and made a great friend as well as a great contact. He will provide the shirts and those too will be “Hazzardized”. These are the coolest shirts I have seen in a while. They are made of material developed by Dupont. They breathe better than I do and being South Beach born, evaporate sweat in an instant. You can see his collection and some pretty hot pics of me on his site
Filed in Fashion, Photos, Pounds, Schillings & Pence | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny
Johnny Hazzard is now an exclusive for the largest Gay owned and Gay operated porn company in the world! Hot! Channel 1 Releasing just acquired Rick Ford’s All Worlds making the company the biggest on the planet. I just love saying that. It was quite the story when I found out. I wasn’t really aware of the scale of things until I started talking with my bosses. This is no small shop, this is now an industry leading company. Mr. Ford has given over All Worlds to us not b/c we are the best, but b/c we know how to treat people and we know exactly what we are doing in every sense of the word. You get in what you put out. Those are words to live by. That is proven to me time and time again.
Kevin, Jerry and I visited a local pub to watch American Idol. I had never seen the show before and was curious to see what all the fuss was about. I would have much rather watched Tom & Jerry. I thought the show was boring and ridiculous. Is Kelly Clarkson really the only “idol” they’ve produced? What about the other winners? Kelly deserves every penny and her Grammies, don’t get me wrong, but what happened to the others? They won and that’s that? No videos, no super singles, no appearances at county fairs or guest spots on TRL? Thanks for coming.
Now about the judges. I knew that Simon fellow was a bit obnoxious and I was not surprised there. Paula Abdul needs to relax a bit, or go on hormone treatment. She remained seated and calm until the last contestant, a male, finished his song. Not the best performance or song in my opinion, but Ms. Abdul thought he had sung “The Star Spangled Banner” in Mandarin. She leapt up out her chair and screamed “I Love You” repeatedly and shooshed Simon from saying anything rude or crass. Didn’t she sleep with one of the contestants a couple seasons ago? It seems to me that money could be better spent elsewhere.
Filed in Porn, Publicity | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 25th 2006
Posted by Johnny
Many of you have heard the audio blog that Boy Wonder and I recently added to Hazzard Ahead. At last count some 4000+ people had tuned in to hear me banter on. That is some cool shit! It will prove most helpful mid country where the internet and good coffee are scarce. I was in my truck Sunday afternoon listening to kd Lang’s album to review for Frontiers when I considered doing my entry for the day via phone. The thought of doing it frightened me and I opted to wait till I was safe with my delete and backspace keys. I’m sure I’ll get over it for my road trip. Boy Wonder will demand it, I know!
I promised Boy Wonder that I would take pictures while on holiday here in SF. Great. Another thing for me to do and worry about. I shouldn’t be so dismissive. The whole camera thing is new yes, but is something I really need to master in order for the website to grow and expand into the rich entertaining site that we are working towards. So tomorrow I’ll have some images from beautiful San Francico for you.
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