Archive for the 'Porn' Category
Posted by Johnny on Tuesday, February 14th, 2006
At the GAYVN convention following a relatively long night of open bar antics at the CyberSocket awards I was getting ready for my shift at the Channel 1 booth when my old buddy Jared approached…no…ran up to me. He informed me that they were doing this book documentary thing a couple of booths over and asked if I would like to take part. Jared is the photographer responsible for the photos used to adorn this blog; we have history, so I knew doco was legit.
I had just arrived and was the first one scheduled to sign, Chi Chi was due any moment. She doesn’t always look like that you know. It takes a bit more than a set of false eyelashes and some light application done in an vanity mirror to create the Diva that is Chi Chi LaRue. I really wanted to do this…after all, it’s a book…it’ll be around forever on coffee tables all over the nation! I told the sales guys that if Chi Chi was to arrive - I was in the loo. I ran over to the doco booth and busted out the supermodel quick poses to get it over with quickly and efficiently. The entire thing lasted about 4 mins and some change. I ran over just as Chi Chi was strutting down the aisle toward the Channel 1 booth. I grabbed my Sharpie, greeted her good morning and began my arthritic afternoon of signing and smiling.

My supermodel 1, 2, 3. That’s Jared on the right.
Photo by Felicia - Thank you!
Posted by Johnny in Behind-The-Scenes, Friends, Photos | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Tuesday, February 7th, 2006
I finished the shoot for Tetu magazine today. Monday was spent shooting downtown near the Standard Hotel at a studio apartment. The set was simple and stark white. It was supposed to be all about the crisp clean edges of the clothes and my profile. The photographer was Nicholas Wagner out of NYC…he was great, he and I got on very well. We started by enjoying a couple of Vodkas on the roof of the Standard where the hotel had put him up, going over some ideas, chatting and getting comfortable, it is an amazing spot. If you only have a few hours to experience LA, that is the place to do it - totally the LA scene (in a good way).
Today was the last day. We used a house that was the most radically designed space I had ever seen with my own two eyes. I wish I had my camera with me. I said that to myself pulling up to the location. I always say that. I swore to myself that would be the last time. When I return to Palm Springs, Mike and I are going camera shopping.
Photographers are artists and they have their own style. Working for Channel 1 for so long I am used to the style of our guys; what they want and how things work for a porn shoot. Dick, ass, more ass, etc. Shooting for Attitude and now for Tetu I have been privied to the stylings and tastes of two very different photographers. I love a challenge and I love an old T shirt. Nicholas suprised me when he said that he got an idea from the photo on my blog of the Q TV episode with Chi Chi and Sandra Bernhard. Suspenders. I have always loved suspenders, ever since I was a kid. Nicholas told me that he saw the photo and blog entry and ordered a couple pairs from a Paris shop. They were the real skinny ones that looked almost like the leg straps to a jock strap, in solid black, and in white and red checkers….HOT!!!!! What’s better than suspenders? Keeping them! After I squealed with delight at the sight of them, Nicholas graciously offered them to me as a parting gift. Now I know how Cristy Turlington must feel aftet a DKNY show! Once again Boy Wonder has proven himself a worthy and valuable partner. Without the photo, Nicholas wouldn’t have been inspired and Johnny would not have the suspenders. Not so hot.
That’s all from me for now. You all need to check out the music player. KUDOS AGAIN BOY WONDER! THAT SHIT IS OVER THE TOP!!!!
Posted by Johnny in Glamour, Behind-The-Scenes | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Tuesday, January 31st, 2006
Ding, Dong, January is gone. Time seems to move quicker these days. Is it me getting older, being busier and doing more things?
The shoot went really well yesterday. Having my picture taken so many times I’ve learned what it takes to get done as soon as possible. As a model, I know part of my job is making the photographer’s job easier. A typical shoot for Channel 1 used to take 2 hrs. for photos sets to use for box covers, publicity, etc. Now Greg and I blow through them in about 45 mins.
James had just done a session with Dita Von Teese, Marilyn Manson’s wife, in Vegas. He drove down Monday afternoon and was painfully on time. I was at the grocery store with Mike when he arrived. I didn’t believe him when he said, “I’ll see you at noon Mon.”….no one is ever that punctual!
Following a frantic shower I was out the door heading over to a location I had never heard of. He wanted to shoot in the hills. Perfect! I knew a great trail my trainer showed me. When we parked the car he began unloading all his equipment. I mean, we didn’t have a donkey or anything. I decided that this was not going to work….at all. I told James that the location I was thinking about was (pointing straight upwards). We stood perplexed at what to do next.
Then I remembered that my friends have a million dollar home, recently built from ground up, with 3 bedrooms - all with their own pvt bath and all rooms face the outdoor, in-ground pool and jacuzzi. And I have a set of keys. “Brilliant!” he exclaimed.
We shot all over and in the pool. We then took a drive out on Highway 111 to get his desert shots, We ended a little after 3, 2 hours for a high gloss UK fashion print ain’t so bad……right Tyra!
Turns out that he got the idea from a friend we share through Boy George. Small world man, small world! He asked her, who was the hottest guy in porn these days…well, we all know who she chose. Thanks Kristine!
Posted by Johnny in Glamour, Behind-The-Scenes | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Monday, January 9th, 2006
Back from Vegas. This was my 3rd yr attending the AVN conference. It is a porn convention, complete with everything from Thug Rapper Lil’ Kim looking girls to Clown Porn, yes clown porn. Imagine a girl getting rammed from behind wearing blue pig tails in full clown face make up. The big dicked stud has Ronald McDonald shoes on, the big ass red ones. He also has the clown make up on. I must say I made a special visit to this booth, they were next to us last year and I just couldn’t resist going over every so often to take a gander….it’s so great!

We spent from Wed night to Sun eve in the town of debauchery. I stayed with 12 other people in a house that was very reminiscent of Boogie Nights. It reminded me of MTV’s The Real World. I know these people, they are the PA’s to the owners who were also there. Chi Chi was there, Tyler Riggs, yum!!!, Luca Dicorso, and our newbie boy Benjamin Bradley. Our make up guy, Doug Jeffries, my event manager Rob and our tech guy Tony. It was really cool to see everybody interact in such an unfamiliar and forceful way, a psychologist’s wet dream.

As models, all we have to do is to sign autographs a couple of hours a day and enjoy ourselves. Not too hard. It is a little strange to sit right below a 12ft high poster of myself, with my movie playing on a loop next to the signing table and a rack of dildos cast from my cock. Then to be on the cover of OUT VEGAS, plus the cover of GAYVN Magazine, well I began to get a bit sick of my mug. But I must say being on the cover of the first stand-alone GAYVN was pretty cool. An honor for sure - especially as it coincided with the freakin’ Super Bowl of porn conventions.
Now back to some degree of normalcy. For the past 2 or so weeks since I went home to Cleveland, my diet has been severely fucked with, sleep schedule altered and I’ve had enough alcohol to last me another 6 mos. This past couple weeks has been a non-stop booze fest. Beer and wine was the staple beverage in Ohio, however, Vegas was Skyy, lots of Skyy….free Skyy. We went out to the Cybersocket awards on Thursday where it was open bar all night. Friday was Channel 1’s party at Gipsy and Saturday Krave gave me and the boys a free table with bottle service. Come Sunday I was looking forward to getting home and drying out. I had my favorite breakfast today of broccoli florets, sprouted wheat toast w/ peanut butter and honey and an apple. Things are back to normal. My kind of normal.
Posted by Johnny in Behind-The-Scenes, Just Life, Out & About, Photos | No Comments »
Posted by Johnny on Sunday, October 30th, 2005
we filmed a DVD extra for my new movie Wrong Side Of The Tracks. it’s an interview with me sitting in front of the camera as opposed to answering a bunch of questions. not all that unusual, but far better than submitting a written interview subject to somebody’s editing for print. this way, you see my facial expressions and hear my actual tones…it makes it more authentic…..Kudos Rob!!!!
Posted by Johnny in Glamour, Behind-The-Scenes | No Comments »