Hazzardous Materials Guide


Posted by Boy Wonder

Let me apologize to everyone about the delayed posts this past week. It’s been crazy. Between Ma Hazzard’s visit and the GAYVN awards, Johnny and I have hardly had two minutes of overlapping time. I wouldn’t normally acknowledge a post gap because in my opinion it’s life first, blog second; however, this was an extreme case.

And now on to the business at hand: The 2006 GayVN Awards.

I had braced myself for disappointment. There would have been a riot had Johnny not won “Best Actor” I kid you not. Thankfully he won that as well as “Best Solo” and “Best Duo” sex scenes. That’s right, it was a sweep - baby! And since my company didn’t win a fucking thing, I got to experience the winning bit right from the Channel 1 table. Thank you Steven!

Greg Thompson was shooting pictures of everyone at the party. I told Johnny that it would be best if he got the photos out of the way while he was fresh and still reeling from multiple laps to the awards podium. Then I realized I might as well join in since I was dolled up in awards ceremony mode. It isn’t every day you have an opportunity to be photographed by a world-class photographer WITH the “IT” boy!!

Bruce, Baby!

Usually during events such as this I find a quite corner and observe from a distance. That was not an option. I told Johnny we were joined at the hip and we circulated like crazy. It was names, names, names, darling. Bruce Vilanch just had to have his photo taken with Johnny, who was naturally honored to oblige. The entire evening was a click, click, flash, flash situation. Frankly, it’s all a bit of a blur now, but a fabulous one.

I think Johnny decided it was time for a change of venue when he found me dancing by myself in the back bar. He always was the one for timing. I had no idea he was taking me to the after, after party at Chi Chi’s penthouse. And Chi Chi had no idea so many people were going to show up. Let’s see, Chad Hunt was there, David Cooley, Fredrick Ford, Sister Roma, Arpad Miklos, Josh Weston, Kyle Lewis, too many people to remember, really. It was the first time I had a chance to interact with Chi Chi for any length of time. She’s always kept me at a distance. We did have a moment though when “Sweet Transvestite” came on. HOT!

Boy Wonder Exists!

Being at the epicenter of the gay porn world is a little overwhelming. Still, there’s nothing quite like huddling around Chi Chi’s cool flame. It was a great night - a long night. The night that didn’t really end, but that’s a story for another time. Basking in Johnny’s hot glow was quite an experience. We were treated like film stars. Like Eva Gardner and… companion. It took two days to recover and I wouldn’t change a thing if I had the chance. OK, well, maybe I would have taken Friday off…

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Johnny in Repose
Dreaming Big
Johnny Reflects
Hazzard Ahead