Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Tuesday, July 13th 2010

Back In The Saddle Again

Posted by Johnny

Imagine my shock when I paid a visit to my shop only to discover it had crashed and was displaying an annoying (and embarrassing) error message. Ugh! And the day before I was supposed to have the stupid thing ready with my new merchandise. What I had pictured as an hour long task turned into a day and a half of e-mail tag with tech support all the while feeling helpless and foolish. Thankfully that’s all behind me now and the first batch of new shirts is proudly displayed on my not-quite-dead-yet e-commerce site!

This year I’m selling each shirt individually online so what you see is what will arrive in the mail (if all goes according to plan, that is). I hope this will make the experience a little less grab-baggy than it was last year. Anyway, drop by the old shop and check out what I’ve got. If nothing strikes your fancy then hold on a while and a spanking new bunch will be there very soon.

1 Comment for this post

26430784520 Says:

I really like you!!!

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