Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Thursday, May 13th 2010

You Sure Are Pretty

Posted by Johnny

About a month ago I noticed that my front left tooth, which is a cap, had a crack in it and began to discolor on the top. Since this little fucker cost a pretty penny my dentist said it would be replaced at no charge. Phew. I thought since we had done this before that he would have the dimensions necessary to order a new one and that that would be that.

Due to a misunderstanding on my part and a lack of communication on the dentist’s part, I was given a temporary 2 days before I was to leave for the east coast. It turns out that they need to take an impression and order a new one. He explained that when the tooth came to his office in Palm Springs he would send it to wherever I ended up and we would take care of it. Easy enough right?

I made it across the country with no problems at all until I arrived home in Ohio. I asked Mom to have everybody over to celebrate my arrival. Two hours and 2 six packs into the evening the tooth fell out when I bit down on a pizza crust. I had bought some dental fixative but in my state of happiness I knew it would be stupid so I decided to leave it off. It supplied everybody with much ammunition for jokes and kept us all laughing all night long.

Having fun

The next day after looking at it I became strangely attracted to it. I thought it was very hot hillbilly and decided to keep it (much to Aimie’s dismay) until my replacement arrived. I really got a kick out of watching peoples faces as they realize that I had no tooth.

This text will be replaced

Moms Day Patio Games

Rest assured that all is back to normal and I have all my toofs!

3 Comments for this post

ikylejm Says:

I like the toothless look too!
When will we see another cooking video? I loved those! You should make bread? Today I started making adobe bricks to build a bread oven.

Johnny Says:

Ah yes the cooking videos..its quite hard to do on one’s own; i do not have my trusty sidekick living down the street anymore and Im really not that great at setting camera angles but perhaps Ill try one on my own…thanks for writing in

Rita PHL Says:

I can’t believe I’m just now getting around to reading these posts … shame on me … (it’s now August 11!).

No front tooth! Seems like you took this pretty well. I’m about fit to be tied that that DENTIST, (an aside, did you know that Sean Penn says DENTIST is his favorite curse word), left your beautiful smile flawed! That DENTIST should be drawn and quartered!

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