Wednesday, June 24th 2009
The Eleventh Hour
Posted by Johnny

Sorry for the last minute notice, but sometimes these things come together rather suddenly. You know, like a car crash. Tonight is my guest bartender premiere at the newly reopened and infinitely improved Micky’s in the heart of boystown in West Hollywood. If you’re in the area stop by and say hello. If things go well tonight this may turn into a regular event. *grin*
Things did go well and my fingers are crossed that this will be a regular thing!!!
I’m feeling mighty thirsty. I might have to jump on a plane and visit Micky’s for an LI Iced Tea. And that would be one expensive cocktail! Glad to hear you’all had a fun time!
I haven’t tested the LIIT factor at the new Micky’s and I probably won’t. I can’t do the high octane alcohol these days. At least not without a place to collapse shortly thereafter…
BW — And I recall how much you adored LIIT! What’s your poison these days?
It’s not that I don’t like them, I just need to keep a lid on that sort of abuse these days.
Now I’m a bona fide beerhound!