Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Monday, November 3rd 2008


Posted by Boy Wonder

During the nineties Buddy Cole was my hero. In many ways he still is. Buddy embodied the urban queer in a way few others dared and I longed to be just like him. There were twenty one Buddy sketches on The Kids In The Hall and this one is my absolute favorite. Quotes from this sketch adorned my voicemail recordings for years. God bless the uploader of this You Tube video for compiling all of the sketches in order. I highly recommend you partake of his playlists immediately! By the way, doesn’t that look like James Collins in the background?

1 Comment for this post

Johnny Says:

OK… that was HYSTERICAL!!!!!!

Pants off again BW, what a perfect compliment to the recent posts; btw… I totally agree with her as if you didn’t know.

James Collins, is that you?

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