Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Saturday, September 20th 2008

If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Of Baked A Cake

Posted by Boy Wonder

For Johnny’s birthday weekend Ma Hazzard is visiting West Hollywood again. She loves being in California almost as much as she loves being with her son so it’s really a double whammy for her. Johnny had to fly up to Toronto for a dance gig today so Ma Hazzard was left to amuse herself with Petey, but he’ll be back in time for birthday festivities tomorrow. The four of us went out briefly Friday night and we have plans for tomorrow as well. All I can say at the moment is that there will be plenty of stories and video for all of our readers very soon!

In honor of Johnny’s 31st birthday tomorrow I have finally updated Hazzard Radio. That’s right! Only two years later! I’ve been putting it off because there have been other things to do and I was sort of dreading the Flash work. Imagine my surprise when the update went very smoothly. Damn, sometimes I shock myself with my aptitude for making complex programming simple. Anyway, I hope you will all enjoy the new musical selections and stay tuned for some VERY interesting material in the near future.

3 Comments for this post

Lost in Tennessee Says:

Johnny, I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

On another note, I hope you do not mind if I inquire about the identity of Petey.

Boy Wonder Says:

Robert – Petey is Johnny’s dog. He has his own category to the right! :-)

Johnny Says:

Petey is also my hiking mate, best friend and not very far away from being my significant other- minus the obvious.
I HEART Petey.

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