Hazzard Ahead
Johnny Hazzard Blog

Friday, July 25th 2008

Philadelphia (Not The Movie)

Posted by Johnny

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to visit Philadelphia for their 14th Gay and Lesbian Film Festival courtesy of our friends at TLA.

The C1R Triple Threat

The C1R Triple Threat

In addition to some quality time with the Boss Lady and Blake Riley I got to hang with some Channel 1 VIPs that we do not get to see very often. There were many highlights during the weekend in the city of Brotherly Love, but there were three in particular that I would love to share with you.



First, a while back I was sent an e mail from a young girl titled “Ode to Johnny.” Her name is Stoia, she works for Digital Playground and she’s gorgeous. It was most complimentary and flattering. Well lo and behold she is from Philly and TLA took this opportunity not to only have us meet but create a mini movie to document the entire ordeal from her writing the ode to our long awaited meeting. The movie was shot in black and white with a fifties motif. In the final scene we sharing a milkshake in front of a vintage soda shop; it was the best milkshake EVER!

Top Dogs

Blake and me off the grid.


C1R Mastermind
Rob Novinger

Saturday evening we had the chance to schmooze and booze at a club called Pure. This was the chance for us all to hang out and be ourselves with no cameras, pens or other obligatory what have you. We were Free to Be. Early in the evening Chi Chi was scheduled to speak at an event that coincided with the Film Festival, but was geared more to, well, porn. As the limo pulled up to the theatre the first voice I heard was that of our lovely Hazzard Ahead contributor and my biggest fan on the East coast, RitaPHL! She was bright-eyed and looking very sharp with her new do! She later informed me that it had been two years to the day since we met in Bean Town when she and her husband Jim were on holiday being served by yours truly at Aquitaine. It was wonderful to see her.


Our editor at Channel 1 created a video montage of Chi Chi, Blake and me that was played before she went on and it was sooooo amazing. I asked them for a copy and I’m hoping to have it soon to feature here – I promise! After Chi Chi’s talk we opened the floor up to Q&A. My number one fan raised her hand and asked if I could sign her B-Rude original T shirt. It features my mug and pecs splattered on the front with “Blow my Speakers” as the caption. I gladly signed the shirt and was amazed that she was able to snag one. After Rita walked away Chi Chi turned green with envy that Rita was able to get her hands on one. At the end we were passing out our latest picture book “Smut” and I made sure my girl got one! Enjoy it Rita! And thank you so much for all the effort you went through to get there!


Rita’s new signed B-Rude shirt.

Before our night out I managed to bug everyone with my digital video camera. Since there is some mild nudity and some appearances by folks that would rather not be featured I am including just a small piece here. The full version will be on Hazzard Central in a few days time. Enjoy!

This text will be replaced

Give it a minute. Then Full Screen It Baby!

I love traveling to the East Coast (especially on someone else’s dime) thanks Eric and thanks Philly!.

3 Comments for this post

Rita PHL Says:

Our hero Hazzard in the City of Brotherly Love. I learned about Johnny’s participation in the Chi Chi LaRue Smut Revue while reviewing the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival (PIGLFF) catalogue. I’m a member of the Philadelphia Film Society, who hosts PIGLFF, and so simply made one tiny little phone call to their Membership Coordinator who immediately hooked me up with a volunteer gig for the event. My volunteer assignment designation was, “as needed,” euphemism for “bitch gonna be where she gots to be — feel me?”

Johnny made mention of TLA. Circling the relationship, TLA funds the Philadelphia Film Society, who sponsors PIGLFF.

And now for the prop check:

Original BRude T-Shirt signed by Johnny Hazzard – Plastic bag enclosed atop dresser – check

First edition “Smut” signed by Johnny Hazzard – atop entertainment center, beneath 52″ flat screen TV – check

Props to Chi Chi LaRue for bringing her gorgeous self and two hot boys to town!

And to Miss Stoia, we should kick back sometime! Halla at me.

ankh Says:

Hey! I just heard that you were going to be in “Everything You Wanted to Know About Gay Porn Stars (but were afraid to ask)” on !here

DOH! We don’t have !here, only Logo.

Have you already shot your bit?

miguel Says:

hey, johnny!

you’re right, stoia is gorgeous. you two should date. you’d make an adorable couple! :-)


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